Wonderland 3

Chapter 2

Out of the darkness I heard a voice. It was my Heavenly One.

"Trust me. Feel your way through the maze. Someone waits for you at the end exit."

I yelled for my Heavenly One, but he did not speak again.

So I shook off the tears and using my hands I felt along the wall of the cave and starting walking slowly. The wall felt cold and rough. But I inched my way along in what seemed a forever length of time. I scraped one hand on a sharp spot and stopped putting my cut to my mouth. As I did I noticed it was a little lighter than before. I could make out some kind of light in the distance.

My pace quickened this time. Hope had returned. The light grew brighter as I came closer to the exit. Then I was there.

As I walked out the fresh air hit me. I took a deep breathe and my eyes squinted in the light. After my eyes adjusted I looked around. It was beautiful with everything all green and fresh looking.

Then I saw him. I ran to him embracing him. He looked at and kissed my cut hand. Then my raven haired Wise One had a cloak he threw around me as he picked me up and carried me.

"Why? Why did he leave me that way? " I questioned.
When you find your way to the light what did you feel? - Joy ? " he asked.
"Yes, " I replied.
And when you saw me ? "
"I was never so glad to see you in my life, " I confessed to him.
"If you had just walked through the maze with the Soulful One to me would you have felt all that? " he asked.
"I guess not, " I said.
"I needed you to want me more than you ever have before, " he told me.
"Why ? " I asked.

"Because today we will become lovers, " he whispered in my ear.

I sighed and laid my head on his shoulder as he carried me to his outside world of green and freshness. I closed my eyes and felt safe and warm as I drifted off to sleep.
