Wonderland 3

Chapter 3

When I woke up I first saw a deep green vine climbing upward on a bedpost by my head. The air smelling fresh and clean in the shade of the room of greenery where I had last seen the Wise One in. Now I lay in his green sheeted bed instead of someone else. I took a deep breath and stretched. I felt rested , warm and tingly . Happy to be back here.

Then I saw him. The intense green eyes looked down at me from beside the bed where he stood over me. I smiled and said to him, " I have missed spending time with you. I had fun the last time I was here."
"I know you enjoyed your self. Now I want to make you happy again. But not from just watching . You will be the focus this time, " he said looking into my eyes with a glint in his green ones changing to brown for a second.

I reached out my hand to him. He took it kissing my hurt hand again.
"I didn't mean for you to get hurt, " He told me.
"I know, but I had better not get left like that again or Hatter is in big trouble, " I said laughing.

He sat down on the bed. Leaning over and kissing me lightly on the lips.
"We need to make some changes, " He said as he started slipping the cloak off me.
I laid there completely nude and feeling vulnerable again. But this time in a very good way.

Without another word he started undressing himself. I watched as piece by piece he slowly removed each article of clothing from himself. He had an incredible body. Tall and muscular. His arms felt so strong as he wrapped them around me. Pulling me close and on top of him he leaned back on the bed. He began stroking me from the back of my neck and on down my back. Kissing me softly like a mature caring lover would. He was generous in his kisses. Making them linger.

Then suddenly he stopped and smiled. He leaned over the edge of the bed and brought up a small pot. I had seen that pot before and I smiled at the memories. He reached in with two fingers dipping them in the thick golden honey. As he sat the pot back down he started rubbing his fingers along my lips putting some of the sweet richness between them. Then he kissed my lips and started using his tongue to taste some of the sweetness from my mouth. I moaned as his kisses lingered and deepened .

He suddenly turned me over. His lips tasted their way down my neck to my shoulders where he took his time to kiss and nimble on each one. My legs began to open for him as he moved on top of me. My hands felt their way through his loose dark hair that spread and brushed itself over my skin tickling me. His lips then went to taste each of my breasts . His tongue circling each nipple. He sucked each one hard making my back arch upward toward him. Pressing his body heavy on mine his hand began feeling its way down the entire length of my leg; till he reached my hip which he grabbed then pulled my leg around his waist. I put my other leg around the other side of him and began to get lost in his kisses again. I felt his hardness now as his hand began exploring. This time it searched and find my folds where he slipped two fingers deep inside rubbing back and forth till he had me begging for him to be inside me. After awhile he slipped his fingers out of my wetness that was building for him and took them to his mouth tasting them as he had done the honey earlier. Looking into my eyes the entire time as to see that I saw.

His lips went for mine again as he started his hardness inside me. The hardness of him pressing slowly through making its way deep within me as he lifted his chest above me. He moaned as I did when he started rocking back and forth with his flat stomach slipping against mine. It was warm and the sweat was making him slide off me some as our rhythm increased. As I began to come, I gripped his strong arms with my nails digging into the now sweaty muscles of his strength. I pulled myself up to him and my mouth went for his shoulder where I muffled my moans and sighs. We came together to the point it left me weak. My legs were left shaky and I couldn't have walked at that moment if I had tried.

He turned over and laid me on top of him holding me close and tightly at first as he kissed my lips deeply. Then the kisses became gentle and sweet as if to let my lips rest. His fingers teased my back as he glided them over it as if he were drawing figures on it.

"Are you writing me a message back there ?" I asked him.
"Yes. That I have loved you since you were a child Alice. I always have and always will, " He answered.
"I know. " I whispered in his ear as I leaned over to his neck where I started placing kisses.
"I love you too Hatter." I said as I saw those green eyes change for a second to long lashed brown ones.

Then I cuddled close and drifted off to sleep, just as I started to wonder where I would wake up at tomorrow.
