Wonderland 3

Chapter 4

I awoke in a haze. Trying to shake off the sleep I stretched and sat up. The bed moved and my eyes opened wide with surprise. No longer was I in the bed of green. Now I was in a gigantic white hammock.

I smiled widely as I realized where I was. The smell of flowers perfuming the air.

"Find and catch me if you can !" My blonde haired Youthful One shouted at me as he took off running.

I moved slowly getting out of the rocking hammock still half in my haze of sleep. But as I awoke I hopped down and began our game of Hide and Seek. Smiling the whole time I looked forward to finding him. Thinking about our encounter in the water fountain the last time I had been here in his garden. I could not keep up with him though for every few minutes I would come across some sweet small living creature that lived here with him. It hit me he was bringing them out on purpose to slow me down. He knew how I loved animals and could not help but stop and pet them. As I was stroking a sweet bunny I heard a noise - a loud splash. Now I knew where to look.

It didn't take me long to find the huge tower of a fountain. I found the ladder and began to climb upward. It was still honeysuckle covered and the sweet smell brought back all of my happy memories of my past encounters with the Youthful One. When I reached the top I sat on the wide edge of the water. The weather and the water were always perfect in his garden. This day was no exception. The sun making sparkles across the waters top. I looked across to the other side where I saw him. He was stretched out in the sun all dressed in white. The sun making his hair look pure golden. His blue eyes sparkled at me as he motioned for me to come across and join him.
"Come on I am tired of running. You caught me, " giggling as he said it.

Instead of diving in and swiming across though I walked the long way around the edge to where he lay. His hand reached up for me and as I took it he pulled me down on top of him. I sat on his stomach looking at his laughing eyes.
" Do you know how much I have missed you ," He proclaimed as he sat up and hugged me so tight I felt I couldn't breathe for a moment.

"I love you too, " I told him him as he leaned over to kiss me so hard we both went falling backward. We hit the water hard with water slashing everywhere. Both of us laughed as we came back up to the top and into each others arms. Floating in the fountain wrapped in each others arms I closed my eyes as the sun warmed us making us feel giddy and toasty. After a while we got out of the water and let the sun dry us out as we laid on the edge of the fountain.

Then for the first time I can ever remember the sky in his garden suddenly turned dark and threatening looking.
"We better take cover ," he said as he pulled on my hand.

We climbed down the ladder as rain drops started. Thunder in the distance making a noise. He lead me to a part of the garden I had not seen before. There sitting on the waters edge of a pond was a small cottage that looked like something out of an old painting. I marveled that I had not seen the pond or the house before.
"How could I have missed this until now? " I asked to myself as much as to the Youthful One.

He looked down at me and responded with glee, "I guess you had your eyes on my dazzling self so much you just didn't see it." Kissing me as he said it. I made a face at him and looked back outside as we stood just inside the door. The thunder and lightening subsided but a gentle rain continued as we watched from inside.

"Did you ever play in the rain as a child ? " he asked,
"Actually I loved to, but my mother would always make me come inside," I answered.
He suddenly looked serious and asked, "Do you miss your parents ? "
"It was a long time ago I lost them in an accident. They were the only family I had. Till now." I said as I reached up and kissed his cheek.
"I love you Alice, " he said to me.
"I love you too , " I replied as he leaned down and gave me a lingering kiss this time.
"Well lets relieve happier times !" the Youthful One shouted to me as he pulled me through the door and outside in the rain.

We laughed and ran around splashing in the puddles like kids. Both soak and wet now we walked in the rain back to the spot where the hammock hung from tree branches. Our clothes were sticking to us from the wet. I could see his skin through the thin wet fabric of his shirt and pants. I knew he had been eyeing my breasts which were now protruding through my wet top as well. He lifted me up into the the hammock and climbed up beside me. The hammock swung a little as we settled in the middle.

" Should we go back inside out of the rain ?" he asked.
The rain was a warm one as the day was. "No ,"I replied as I leaned up to kiss his now wet lips tasting the warmness of the drops on his face.

He kissed me back pushing me down into the hammock. It rocked as we kissed and reached for each other in haste. As if we had waited too long we grabbed at each others wet clothes which were sticking to us making it very hard to get out of them.
"Oh hell! " he finally said in exasperation; as he began to tear my wet clothes off me. The clothes ripped easily from the wetness and within a minute we were nude, wet and all over each other with the hammock rocking wildly . I wasn't sure which one of us was on the other first, but our lips and tongues were exploring every part licking and kissing the warm rain on our skin. He was inside me quickly. I gasped as he went in deep in one swoop, but I also begged him not to stop when he asked was I okay. Nothing compared at the moment to letting lust taking over while you have someone you love and trust to take control and know you will not be disappointed.

The wetness of the rain and the moving hammock made it harder for him to hold himself up. So I pulled him heavy on top of me taking my breathe away, but loving every moment of it. My breasts were pressed against his chest as we were slipping and sliding hard against each other. We came fast with shudders of spasms. Our breathing fast and hard as well. We lost all sense of time and place for a while. Just a burning buzz of haze in our minds as our bodies took over.

When the spasms slowed our hammocks rocking entered a slow rhythm as if it were try to lull a babe to sleep. We laid in each others arms while the rain stopped too.

As the sun came back out warming the air that dried us off, we drifted off to sleep in the shade with the hammock still rocking slowly with the wind as I wondered where I would wake up next in Wonderland.
