Wonderland 3


I awoke with a start. A loud noise had woke me. The wind was blowing hard and had blown something in the yard banging it against the gate. I sat up and looked around.

The first thing I noticed was I was back in my own garden at home. I looked up at the house but did not see the Hatter any where. Disappointed I stood up and wondered where my Hatter was.

That was when I saw my Heavenly One standing under the willow tree. The wind was still blowing making the long flowing branches whip over and around him. I went to join him under his haven of willow. His blue eyes twinkled and his hair had a sheen like lights as I approached him.

Never loosing eye contact with him I came face to face to him. It was as if I could feel the warmth of his body as I got close to him. He leaned over and kissed me sweetly saying, "I've been waiting for you to return."

He took my hands up to his lips and kissed each one softly. In return I took his hands to my lips kissing his as well. The look on his face turned serious.

"I think it is time for you to start sharing more things with me here." he said.
"Share? You've been sharing everything with me here? " I questioned.

"Things I have ," he said.
"And your love ," I told him.
"Yes my love. But I have not shared any of my gifts with you truly. It's time I do. "

I questioned again, " Gifts? "

You have sensed I could read your mind, your thoughts haven't you? " he asked.
"Yes , " I said.
He reached up and held my face in his hands closing his eyes.

"Close your eyes and let me come to you, " he whispered to me.

As I did I felt him his thoughts with mine. The warmness of his love I felt over whelmed me. The tears came to my eyes and I could not stop them.

To feel so completely loved was more than my emotions could handle . He assured me it was alright - crying helps release emotions when we need to.

I opened my eyes to look into his again, "Alex! Before there was Hatter there was Alex."

"Yes," he replied. "And now you will have another reason to go exploring later. To find out more about all of us." He smiled with a smirk and a glint in his eyes as he said it.

"But how do you...How does Alex...How do all of you...," I was at a loss of the right words as questions raced through my head.
"When the time is right you will find all your answers. Not now," he replied as once again he read my thoughts.

He took my face in his hands again as we closed our eyes once more. The warm thoughts came back to me. This time of other things. I lost track of time as our thoughts were one.

After a while I opened my eyes and I saw those blue eyes filled with tears . I now knew what else he wanted and knew he knew I wanted it too as the tears came to my eyes as well.

Our clothes on the ground provided a soft bed in our room under the willow tree. His hands traveled down my back to pull me forward to him. He kissed and rubbed each of my breasts making each nipple peak and ready for sucking which he did to the point of almost bringing me then and there.

Reading my thoughts and emotions he stopped just in time. Now he moved his kisses and sucking to my navel. Where he tickled and delighted me at the same time. Then he stopped and started rubbing my lower stomach and kissing me there in an almost reverent way. His thoughts telling me this was something that was beyond his gifts.

We needed each other to bring this about. I wrapped my legs around his sides as his face came back up to mine. His kisses getting deeper and taking my emotions away with them. His skin felt hot next to mine.

His hardness went in taking me slowly developing a gentle building rhythm as he pumped back and forth inside me. Savoring each moment.

My legs were hugging his back now with the rocking between us becoming stronger and faster he went deep as he could go within me. Our bodies and our thoughts were one now as if you could not tell where each of us started or ended.

Tears came to our eyes again sensing what we were about to attempt to do.

When I opened my eyes I saw his blue eyes were long lashed brown ones now as my Hatter - my Alex -released our hope for the future inside of me as we came together.

Our love becoming one.
