Wonderland 4

chapter 1

As I slowly woke on this early morning his scent overtook my senses. His fantastic smell was one of my first memories of him. I felt his hot breathe on my neck as he slept nuzzled there.

His body was keeping me warm, as he never wore pajamas. His chest slowly rising against my back.

I felt his stronger arms wrapped over mine and around me. I loved the rougher masculine feel of them holding me as to keep me for him alone and safe from harm.

Our hands were intertwined. His larger, stronger. Firm, but gentle too.

One of his legs were thrown over my two. His feet wrapped into mine.

We had slept this way many times since being together. I hoped it would always be this way with Alex.

Then I began to feel him move as one of his hands moved off mine. It slowly glazed up my arm and to my neck. There he turned my head toward him and kissed my lips sweetly before speaking.

"I'm glad you slept better last night," he said softly.

I turned over and under him. My hands going to his face and pulling his lips to mine. Our tongues seem to be trying to intertwine like our bodies.

"Alex you made it so good last night. I can never get enough of you".

"That's my plan," he said with a smirk on his face. Then his face turned serious. "I'm glad to see you smile again. I don't like seeing you so sad."

"I know, I just love you so much it seemed like the next step," I managed to whisper as once again tears started in my eyes.

He held me close. "I know Alice I would love to have a child with you too but if it doesn't happen maybe it just wasn't meant to be." I could tell by the sound of his voice and from our new found mind connection that he was upset too. Seen we had joined our thoughts that day I could sense feelings from him some now. These were the first sad ones I had felt from him. It made me almost wish I couldn't sense them.

I tried to smile as I looked him in the eyes. Those long lashed brown eyes that usually made me forget everything else.

"I've been thinking," he said with a smile returned to his face. "It might be a good time for you to go exploring. Would that cheer you up some too ?"

"You mean you are asking me first this time," I said almost laughing.

He smiled a big grin. "It is good to see you laugh again. Go back to sleep and when you wake up it will begin."

"I will miss you though," I told him as I kissed him once more.

"I will be there too. We all will be," he whispered in my ear.

"I wish I could figure out how you do it," I said to him with a sly grin.

"That is part of the fun. Your not knowing everything, " he whispered in my ear again. "But it is time you learn more. Let's start with their names. How about you visiting Nick first."

My eyes lit up. "And which one is that ?" I asked. "Your acting like Hatter instead of Alex, " I told him as I grinned back at him..

He wrapped me in his arms pulling me down on him and whispered in my ear again. "Go to sleep and you will find out when you wake up." He began to stroke the back of my head as to help me rest and after awhile I drifted off. Wondering who and what I would find with Nick.
