Wonderland 4

chapter 2

I awoke feeling the warmth of the sun on my face. As I shook off the sleep and looked around I knew where I was and instantly realized Nick was the Youthful One. I smiled at the thought of him. He always did make me feel like smiling.

I stood up and started walking. The flower scents were particularly sweet this day. Color everywhere. This garden spot of his always took my breathe away. There were many young buds that still had not opened as I would stop, look and wonder what color and flower hid within.

Then I heard a soft cry. A baby kitten came out from between some flowers. It was a buttercup yellow my favorite color for a cat. It had been so long since I held one I relished having the chance to as I picked it up. It rubbed against my face as I kissed and stroked the soft fur on it's head.

"I heard you where wanting babies. Hope this helps," I heard a familiar voice say.

I looked over to see the the Youthful One standing there with a soft breeze moving his blonde hair that was glistening in the sunshine. He walked up and leaned over to kiss me on the cheek and saying, "I don't want to see you sad here."

He stroked the kitten a moment then took it from me. "Don't worry she will be safe and waiting for you when you return home to Hatter," he told me as he sat the kitten back down on the ground.

"I hear your name is Nick," I said to him as I smiled and looked up at his bright blue eyes.

"Oh you found me out," he said as he laughed. "And it was such fun having you wonder about that," he said as he smirked at me.

"You what to tell me more things about your self now?" I asked hopefully.

"I know I want to show you some things about myself," Nick said as he reached over and pulled me close taking my mouth with his lips.

His mouth ran down my face to my neck where he nibbled making me smile in contentment. He picked me up and swung me around like a child laughing the whole time. Then he put me down and took off running.

"Catch me if you can," he yelled back at me as he ran off.

I started running after him , but then I slowed down knowing I could never keep up with his long legs stride. As I walked I realized the direction I was headed. There was the pond and cottage I had been to my last visit here. I didn't get a chance to look the cottage over last time I was here so I entered it curious and began to look around inside. Everything was light and airy with splashes of color from vases of flowers everywhere. Though there wasn't much furniture what was there was big, cushioned and comfy looking. There was a front room, a small kitchen and bath. Then I came to the only room left and it was from there I had heard Nick call for me. Inside was a only a small closet and a huge bed with white curtains streaming down the four posts of a canopy. There in the middle of the bed he laid covered from the waist down by a sheet. He seemed to have undressed and been waiting for me. His hand reached out for me to join him.

As I approached the bed and took his hand he spoke, "Undress for me. I want to watch."

I actually blushed as he said it and began to feel self -conscious. Something I had never felt with him before. I let go of his hand, turned around and slowly undressed. I could feel his eyes on me even though my back was turned to him as I did it. I sat down on the edge of the bed and turned around to look at him. His eyes were filled with desire and it made me happy to see that was so. He reached for me and I felt a tingle of excitement. Thats when I began to realize I was sensing some of his feelings as I had done with Alex and it was like his feelings were enhancing my desire for him.

As I slid under him I felt his harness starting to grow. He laid on me as his mouth starting slowly gliding over my neck and face. The skin of his muscles felt soft and warm as he pressed them against me. His hands began to explore with a purpose. Both of them finding the special spots where he could rub and bring sighs from me. Then his mouth began to slide downward to my breasts where he sucked each nipple bringing moans from me this time. I reached for his head where I could not help but stroke his hair as he continued down taking my most sensitive place completely in his mouth . My moans and sighs growing louder I began to beg for him to be in me. He raised up, the sheet around his waist going up with him. His hardness coming down and into me quickly with the wetness that had developed for him there. He was taking me completely emotionally and physically. As our tension built inside us I could see the passion and intensity build in his face as he was moaning now too. We continued until the burning for each other changed to waves of bliss as we came together hard. The roomed blurring in our minds and the curtains on the posts shaking.

Later as we lay in each others arms he began to speak of another. "When you wake up you will be with Howie."

"And which one is that?" I asked hoping for an answer. But he gently pushed my face back to his chest telling me I would know when I awoke in the morning. He gently rubbed my back as I drifted off to sleep. A part of me wishing I did not have to leave the Youthful One.
