Wonderland 4

chapter 3

I awoke to a surprise that made me jump waking me fully with a start. There in my face was the Soulful One. His hot breath on my face as he was breathing heavy. His his nude body lay heavy on top of me as he began rubbing against me. His dark hair and eyes matching the darkness of the room that was shadowy from a fire nearby. The room was stifling hot and he was aglow with sweat . The hairs on his chest tickling my breasts at first but as he continued to rub harder and faster against me my nipples were starting to become sore.

After kissing me hard he plunged himself into me making me gasp out loud. He was pounding in and out of me now knocking the breath from me as he continued. I held on to him the best I could my nails pressing into his arms. I was feeling as well as seeing his passion and I began to get swept away in it too as the suddenness of it all started to sink in with me. Wrapping my legs around his waist I raised myself as much as possible to allow him in deeper as he continued. Then we rolled over and I went to the top. Looking down in his big brown eyes that were staring into mine. His head leaned back and his mouth opened as I continued the rhythm he had started. The loudness of my moans and the sweat of my body were matching his now. I came with a long spasm and he came quickly soon afterwards.

As I lay in his arms he whispered in my ear, "Are you happy yet?"

I was laughing now. He smiled as he started stroking the curves of my waist and hip.

"Tell me about your self," I told him.

"I just made love to the point of exhaustion," he said.

I laughed again. "I know that. You know what I mean," I coaxed.

"Isn't the mystery a turn on?" he asked.

"I guess so. But you can't blame me for being curious to know more," I told him.

"So my love isn't enough for you?" he pretended to be be hurt.

"I love you all but.." I started. When a noise made me jump. "What was that?" I asked.

"Come on follow me," he told me as he grabbed my hand.

"If this maze is like the last one you took me on I am not going to be happy!" I told him eyeing him sternly.

"No I promise it isn't," he said with a smirk on his face.

I didn't trust that smirk but followed him. The room was still quite warm even though we were not clothed as we walked a different maze from before. This one was lit by a soft light and was carpeted with pretty paintings and mirrors hung all around. So many mirrors it began to feel like a house of mirrors you go into at carnivals.

"Are these mirrors going to start make me look funny," I asked as we continued walking.

He was laughing now. "You act like you don't trust me," he said as he pretended to be hurt again.

"Oh I trust you I just know how you like to play strange games," I replied.

I heard the noise again. This time it was louder and was sounding like some sort of wild creature. "Howie is that what I think it is?"

He didn't answer, but I soon saw my answer. We came to another room where it was darker and shadowy as before from another fire lighting this room. Then I saw it. I took a step behind Howie and peeked around.

"Howie what in the world is he doing here?" I said in a whisper.

There was the largest lion I had ever seen . It was pacing back and forth roaring and showing it's extremely large teeth in the process. It's eyes were shining in the firelight light making it look even more menacing. If the roaring was to demand attention and respect it had mine. I could hear it's heavy breathing in between the roars. It did not look happy. And I looked at Howie like I thought he was crazy as he started to walk toward it.

"What are you doing?" I asked as I grabbed his arm trying to hold him back.

"Worried about me?" he asked as he shot me a smirk filled smile.

"I'd say I'm worried you have lost your mind if you keep getting closer to it," I replied.

He laughed and said, "Don't worry he won't hurt us."

Howie walked up to the beast and placed a hand on it's back as he sat down with it. As soon as he did the beast seemed calmer lying down by him as he stroked it's back. I had to admit the lion was beautiful. He had a crowning glory of a mane that circled his large head. His eyes up close were mesmerizing. Howie motioned for me to come closer. Slowly I did and when I reached him he took my hand and placed it on the lions back. It's fur was soft but coarser than my pet cat.

Howie looked up at me, "I heard you like cats. I could give you one of these to add to your menagerie?"

"I don't think the other animals would appreciate him as much as you do," I replied.

Then Howie looked at me with a pouty lip as he spoke, "Oh you like Nick's gift to you better than mine."

"Well at least I don't have to worry about Nick's gift eating one of my animals or me," I smiled and replied.

"It wouldn't hurt any of them or humans as long as you treat him kindly," he told me.

Then Howie gave me a strange look. A look I didn't trust.

"Sounds like you need some convincing about how my friend here wouldn't harm anyone - unless someone tried to harm you. He can be an effective watch dog," he replied with a laugh.

I started to back away. But he grabbed my hand pulled me to him and picked me up.

"Howie what are you doing," I found myself shouting.

"Trust me he is yours. Let me show you," he said as the lion stood back up and Howie placed me right on top of it's back. It's course hair feeling strange to my behind and legs.

"Howie!" I nearly screamed.

But the lion just stood there as if waiting for someone to tell it what to do.

"Go on give her a little ride," Howie said to the creature."

The lion slowly walked as I held on to it's mane. When I said I wanted to stop he did and laid down as if to let me get off easier. I sat down with him and started stroking his head as it looked up to me and started licking my other hand. He looked up at me right in my eyes and it was as if he understood everything I said to him.

"Looks like I may have you convinced," Howie said to me as he sat down on the other side of me and joined in stroking the creature.

"He is beautiful," I replied as I continued to rub his fur.

"See anything is possible here," Howie whispered to me.

I smiled but it was a weak one as my thoughts went to something else.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to remind you about about not conceiving. There are some things even beyond Hatters magic," Howie said to me as he laid a hand on one of mine.

I smiled at him again. "I would love to have the beast. I'll have to think of a special name for him."

"So you do like my gift," he said as he leaned over and kissed my cheek.

I smiled at him. It started to hit me how tired I was. It had been quite an evening.

"Your lion will be waiting for you in the garden grounds when you get home. Let's take another walk," He told me as he stood up taking my hand to help me up.

We walked back the way we came through the hallway of mirrors. Thats when I noticed it. One of the mirrors looked familiar. I stopped and stared at it.

"Yes. that's the mirror you first came through in. It's here for safe keeping," He told me as he pulled me away before I could ask anymore questions.

We walked back to the main room where I had woken earlier. He handed me my clothes and said I better get dressed for a the next stop on my exploring expedition.

As I dressed I asked , "And where am I going next?"

"Kevin is waiting for you. It will be quite a climb so will need these," Howie said as he handed me some hiking boots.

"Climb?" I questioned.

"You will see. You're in for a treat. Somewhere you've never been in Wonderland," he replied.

I finished dressing and turned to look. Howie was gone and did not answer when I called out to him. I looked around wondering what to do when I saw my lion. He walked up to me and started rubbing against my leg like a house cat.

"Well do I follow you?" I said to my new large pet.

He looked right in my eyes roared and started walking out the door. I followed. We walked a long ways to the point I wasn't sure I could walk anymore. We were getting deep in the forest where I had been in the Wise Ones home of green before. I was wondering what Howie had meant when he said it was to be a place I hadn't been before; when suddenly my lion stopped and laid down. There in the grass was a big comforter and pillow. I took it this was where I was to rest awhile and curled up in it next to my lion who was catnapping already. I certainly would be safe from any other creatures in the forest with this big boy next to me I thought and laughed to myself. I stroked my guide as I tried to settled for a rest. Guide. That would be a good name for you I thought as I looked at him sleeping. I rested my head on the pillow that I had propped against Guide's back. And soon thinking to myself that Kevin must be the Wise One and trying to imagine what name the Heavenly One would go by as I drifted off dreaming of what might come next in Wonderland.
