Samba Glossary Page 2

Cabrocha - (kah-brosh-ah):
The wing of young female dancers who perform the more intricate phases of choreography. Usually attired in glittery bikinis and colorful plumage.
Commisão da Frente - (koh-mi-sau da fren-chee):
The "Front Line Commission" traditionally a group of the organization's elders, but lately even young women, who march in front of the contingent and greet the parade crowds.
Puxador do Samba - (pooh-sha-dor doo samba):
The lead singer of the Samba School's theme song/enredo. Literally "the pusher of the samba."
Quadra - (kwah-drah):
An Escola's headquarters. The rehearsal site for the Escola's musicians and dancers.
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