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The Band

Dave Greenslade

Founding member. Main keyboardist throughout the history of Greenslade

1972-1976. 1976. 2000 to present

Korg Trinity. Yamaha DX7. Roland U20 synthesizer. Cry Baby Wah-Wah pedal

Tony Reeves

Founding member. Original bassist

1972-75. 1976. 2000 to present

Overwater Bass. Euphonic Audio VL-208 bass cabinets. Euphonic Audio "i-amp" power amp. Zoom effects pedal

John Young


2000 to present

James Gambold


2003 to present

Yamaha Maple Custom Kit. Yamaha Bass Drum Pedal. Sabian Cymbals. Vic Firth SD2 Bolero Sticks. Roland TD8 electronic drum brain plus 4 pads and a bass drum trigger

Photographs of Dave Greenslade and Tony Reeves reproduced with the permission of Merv Ashford

Photograph of John Young reproduced with the permission of Russ Parrish

If you feel you have anything to contribute to this site then contact me

Memories & Recollections
"Great show on Weds, my only complaint was that it seemed to end so soon!. Surprise visit from one John Wetton who got up and sung with JY on the last number of his solo set :-) I was wondering if the other shows featured similar set lists?. I simply could not get to the other gigs :-(" Hooter J Johnson - February 23rd, 2002

"Echoing the sentiments expressed by others about recent gigs, it was a priviledge to be in the audience at the stables last night. John Young's solo set was an added treat and, from the first note, the sound was close to perfect, as was the entire performance.Yes, they could pull off 'Waltz for a Fallen Idol' and 'The Ass's Ear' and, no, JY didn't have to apologise to everyone one individually for any foul up's - there weren't any! However, I personally thought that it was the new material - from Large Afternoon - where the Band really excelled; without taking anything away from the earlier albums whatsoever, I believe it's their best yet. And what a treat to be able to talk to Dave, John and Tony in the bar before the Gig, and the entire band again afterwards - what nice guys! All four seem genuinely interested in chatting with their fans. This really made an excellent evening something special. One word sums it up for me - QUALITY!" Dave Tennant - February 23rd, 2002

"STUNNED,AMAZED AND EXTREAMLY PRIVILEGED when I,ve come down in the next few days I,ll try and write more about the gig. for those of you going to see Greenslade who have never been before are in for a real treat." Merv Ashford - February 22nd, 2002

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Dave Greenslade Discography
John Young James Gambold
Tony Reeves  


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Alex Gitlin's Greenslade Webpage A Polish Greenslade Website A Russian Greenslade Webpage  
Greenslade - iMusic Community Gig Reviews - John Young Website    
Greenslade on Rockzirkus Lexicon Greenslade's webpage on the Mystic Records website    
John Young - Greenslade - A Biography      
Moondust Voyager - Internet radio station broadcasting music by Greenslade      
Prog Archives Greenslade webpage      
Tapani Taka's Greenslade Webpage      

Background image courtesy of Shifted Reality

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