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Dave Greenslade Discography

Studio Albums

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Was The Allright Then

The Fabulous Chris Farlowe

Paint It Farlowe


"I just bought the CD version of Greenies "Pentateuch", I have the vinyl version, but since my old record deck gave up several years ago it gathered dust ! It was re-mastered by greenie in 1994 to the highest quality available at that time and I must say he did a good job !  Nice to hear it again in this "new" format. Noticed that some of the drumming on the album was by Phil Collins. Also credited for vocals on a track called "nursery hymn" is a  Kate Greenslade aged two & a half !" (Russ Parrish - 19th January 2002)

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2001 Live - The Full Edition  
Bedside Manners Are Extra  
Dave Greenslade  
Greenslade (first album)  
Live Large Afternoon
Spyglass Guest  
Time & Tide  


Dave Greenslade discography at
Moondust Voyager - radio station broadcasting music by Dave Greenslade

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