Kid Moe: the "bored"

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hey, new york is cold

Perfectfeetworship Get Password

From: perfectfeetworship
Date: 11 Oct 2015
Time: 21:44:19 -0400
Remote Name:


Perfectfeetworship Get Password -

From: Margaretta
Date: 22 Feb 2004
Time: 13:48:16 -0500
Remote Name:


Hey guys! So I'm back in cold ass New York. I got really sick last week, and I'm not feeling any better. Classes started on Thursday, they are all boring hospitality management classes like rest. law, nutrition, costing and food purchasing shit like that. Anyway, I went to Boston yesterday with two of my roommates, yes there are six of us living in a three bedroom "cottage" (trailer). It was really cold. We got lost for hours, but it was nice to see Mass. We ended up at the Cheers bar and got food and cool beer glasses that say Cheers on them. So on the way back we got lost a few times and ended up in Albany. We got pulled over twice, like five minutes after the other because one of our headlights went out. We didn't get back to the campus until sometime after mindnight, when we left at eight in the morning. I guess it really didn't suck, it was actullay kinda fun. Ok, I'll stop rambling on, I miss you guys. Come play out here. Love Margie

Last changed: 10/11/15