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Garden filled with fields of love
Lilacs sweet that waft above
Senses filled with bright bouquet
Sun that never fades away

Hold my hand and step with ease
Magnificence in life appease
Soft the sounds of life abounds
Garden swells with love now crowned

Floral fragrance every where
Colors bound with life aware
Butterflies with gentle wings
Wake up scents that nature brings

Peaceful place to find some rest
This to me life special quest
Walk in love in quiet peace
See the joy of life increase

Every place my heart will go
Moments filled with special glow
Fields of beauty fill the day
So happy that I passed this way

Lightly walk the path that shows
All the life in nature flows
Butterflies will lead the way
Capture beauty of this day.

~Francine Pucillo ~
Šused with permission

I am the Guardian over Spring





<bgsound src="Canaries.wav" loop="infinite">