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As I rode my pony across the western plain
We stopped and heard a sweet and sad refrain
It filled the sun down skies with a lonesome tune
It was one little coyote howling at the moon

As I rode my pony across the western plain
We stopped and heard a sweet and sad refrain
Two wise old night owls calling come home soon
And one little Coyote howling at the moon

As I rode my pony across the western plain
We heard three big elk beguiling through the trees
Two wise old night owls calling come home soon
And one little Coyote howling at the moon

As I rode my pony across the western plain
We heard four moo cow’s lowing in the breeze
Three big elk beguiling through the tree’s
Two wise old night owls calling come home soon
And one little Coyote howling at the moon

As I rode my pony across the western plain
We heard five prairie dogs whistling at a snake
Four moo cow’s
Three big elk
2 wise owls
And one little coyote howling at the moon


As I rode my pony across the western plain
We heard six beavers slapping tails upon a lake
Five prairie dogs
Four moo cow’s
Three big elk
2 wise owls
And one little coyote howling at the moon

As I rode my pony across the western plain
We heard seven geese honking cross the sky
Six beavers slap
Five prairie dogs
Four moo cow’s
Three big elk
2 wise owls
And one little coyote howling at the moon

As I rode my pony across the western plain
We hear eight muss Stag whinnying wild and high
Seven geese
Six beavers slap
Five prairie dogs
Four moo cow’s
Three big elk
2 wise owls
And one little coyote howling at the moon


As I rode my pony across the western plain
We heard nine buffalo stampede and run away
Eight mustag
Seven geese
Six beavers slap
Five prairie dogs
Four moo cow’s
Three big elk
2 wise owls
And one little coyote howling at the moon

As I rode my pony across the western plain
We heard ten cowboys singing loud cause its payday
Nine buffalo stampede and run away
Eight mustag whinnying wild and high
Seven geese honking cross the sky
Six beavers slapping tails across a lake
Five prairie dogs whistling at a snake
Four moo cow’s lowing in the breeze
Three big elk beguiling through the tree’s
2 wise old night owls calling come home soon
And that one little coyote howling at the moon

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