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All Russian Chants - November

 First Saturday - St. Raphael of Brooklyn

  • Kontak, Znamenny Chant, Tone 3, Today the Virgin
  • Tropar, Lesser Znamenny Chant, Tone 3








 8. - Synaxis of the Archangels

  • Tropar, Lesser Znamenny Chant, Tone 4

 9. - St. Nektarios of Aegina




 13. - St. John Chrysostom

 14. - Apostle Philip of the 12

  • Tropar - Lesser Znamenny Chant, Tone 3
  • Tropar - Lesser Znamenny Chant, (general) Tone 3

 15. - Ven. Paisius Velichkovsky

 16. - Apostle and Evangelist Matthew





 21. - Entrance of the Mother of God into the Temple


 23. - Ven. Alexander Nevsky

  • Tropar, tone 4, Russian Plain Chant




 27. - Ven. Diodoros of George Hill (Yurigorskii)



 30. Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called

  • Tropar - Lesser Znamenny Chant
  • Great Vespers, Aposticha Stichera, Tone 5 Rejoice