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Name: Tom
Username: Cornelius
Age: 35
Location: Tucson, AZ
Fan Since: July '01
Got into POD because: I checked my old radio station out and they were playing POD.I heard more about them on MTV..then the Newsweek article. then the website
Favorite Album: Cannot decide until I have listened to all of them..
Favorite Song: The Messenjah
Favorite Member: Hmmm.. Possibly Sonny
Best Forum Bud: Possibly Latina Warrior. only been on a short time.
Favorite Quote: "The most committed wins!" -from The Siege
Other Bands You Dig: many.Rush..Stryper..Alien Ant Farm..Bloodgood.Weird Al.Swirling Eddies (yes, old skool J ). Green Day.One bad pig.Johnny Cash.U2..
Single/Looking? Yes/No
3 Words to Describe Yourself: Older Hyperactive Servant
