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Du©t Tape Wa®®io®

Name: Dave
Username: Du©t Tape Wa®®io®
Website: none at the moment
Age: 18
Location: San Luis Obispo & Danville, CA
Fan Since: May 1999
Got into POD because: Went to their show in May 1999, was utterly amazed, and the rest is history :)
Favorite Album: Satellite
Favorite Song: Full Color
Favorite Member: I dunno, they all rock
Best Forum Bud: anyone who wants to talk to me ;)
Favorite Quote: "May your life be like a roll of toilet paper, long and useful"
Other Bands You Dig: The Juliana Theory, Noise Ratchet, Jimmy Eat World, Project 86, Linkin Park
Single/Looking? I still be lookin for that special one :)
3 Words to Describe Yourself: "Founder of Wendy's" ;) :D (refer to my name)
