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General POD questions

Is P.O.D. Christian?
[Found in the signature of: mentalpatient]
"We're Christians 110 percent, without a shadow of a doubt. We're not trying to hide anything...but we make our music for everybody." -Sonny

[Submitted by: mgc_mushroom] January 2001 CCM
"Others might say, 'Ahhh! P.O.D., the sellouts!' Sell out to what? We never had your support in the first place!" -Sonny

[Submitted by: Du©t Tape Wa®®io®] Excerpt from Revolver Nov/Dec 2001
Much has been made in the media of P.o.D.'s christian faith... it is impossible to discuss songs like "Christ" [now called portrait] "the messenjah" and "anything right" without mentioning the band's spiritual beliefs - or more specifically, the hammering that they've taken on both sides of the christian/secular divide for daring to articulate their love for jesus christ in a hard-rock context. "We get the people who say, 'oh they're christian rock, dude, don't listen to them,'" says sonny. "and then we get people who say we're not christian because our beliefs don't match perfectly with theirs." "we go around the country and meet all these christians who expect us to be like them," adds wuv. "and we're not -- we're just people who love God. We're not holier-than-thou. so, with the song 'Christ' it's like, 'here's our picture of christ.'"

"the lyrics talk about what we've come to know in our faith in christ," Sonny explains, "and also the hypocrisy we see in a lot of people who call themselves christians."

"We get kind of frustrated," marcos admits. "We believe in christ, and we love God with all our hearts, but we just see so many people who have such extreme outlooks of what they believe christ should be. or people say to us, 'all you say is 'rock the party,' so you're a sellout! you don't love god anymore!' no matter what we do its never good enough. you'll see the same people who picket a marilyn manson show picket one of our shows. it's like, 'dude don't you get it?'"

The god that p.o.d. worships, as expressed in the band's music, is a loving and benevolant creator, as opposed to the god of wrath so popular with tele-evangelists, right-wing politicians, and those who represent heavan by firebombing abortion clinices.

"we've always throw love into the picture," says sonny. "ultimately we believe that god is love, and if we can just get people to grasp the foundation of love, they're gonna make it - you know what i'm saying? they're gonna be alright"

"Can i give you a pretty harsh quote right now?" marcos asks. "we hate religion dude. religion sucks man! it's not about ritual for us, it aboust a personal relationship with God."

Did Traa cuss in "Guitar World?"
[Submitted by: jj on behalf of Atlantic Records]
Registered: Dec 1999
posted 10-04-2001 02:39 AM
I was there. IT DID NOT HAPPEN Misquotes happen all of the time people. Look in any magazine you have sitting around and you'll see a section called CORRECTIONS. In the blah, blah issue - what we meant to say was blah, blah.

Since when is this world a perfect place?
Mistakes happen.
This is an imperfect world.
Isn't that the point of this crazy place?
There's only one perfection I know of......

Are P.O.D. rastafarian?
[Submitted by: MaryMotherOfGod]
"...its not just ratstfarism, its being around so many different cultures & styles, for example...we grew up in south s.d. where there are many different nationalities & religions also heavy drug use & ect... so our perspective about life & God is seeing it first hand ..we've seen God change our parents' lives & our friends' sooo there is nothing that can take that away & its as if our up bringing has given us a foundation in what we believe cause we seen it first hand!"

Does P.O.D. smoke weed?
No they do not. Please refer to the next question for further information.

Do P.O.D. cuss?
[submitted by: Best Sunday Dress] An Interview with Sonny

"Do you drink, smoke, do drugs, or swear, for instance?

No, see that’s what I’m talking about. Those aren’t even issues, you know what I mean? But like I said, what if one day I stubbed my toe and said something and all of a sudden somebody said, "Oh my God! He just said the F-word." But it’s like, "Hey dude, I know the word. I’ve said it before." Definitely it can come out, but that’s something that I choose every day not to talk like that.

Is it something you want to keep in the past?

Yeah, definitely. That’s nothing new to me. It’s not like I’m going to melt if I’m in a room with a bunch of guys, a bunch of sailors. That’s a choice that I make. To say, "Hey dude, do I want to sound that way, do I want to say those words?" Or [do I hope everything that]would come out of my mouth would be positive? I’m going to do the best that I can not to swear, but if I do, don’t go and change your whole life around because of it."

Why did P.O.D. thank secular bands in their "Satellite" dedications?
[Submitted by:ukwarrior]
When you get help or inspiration from somebody, it's right to thank them. POD were inspired by these artists musically, so in a way they helped with the album, and so they deserve some thanks. The fact that they are secular bands or not makes no difference to the fact that the guys were inspired by their music, they still deserve thanks. Just as a Christian band may help them, so do secular bands. It would not be right to just pretend that they didn't help and not thank them. When a non-Christian friend does something for you, it would just be odd and rude not to thank them.

Why does P.O.D. tour with seclar bands?
[Submitted by: Bulldawg36, taken from Straightout Warrior Klan]
Sonny: I think a lot of times when we do Christian shows. Let’s say a Christian festival, and 99.9 percent that come out are Christian. I think there’s a little bit more intimacy, because we are there for the same reasons, the same purpose and there is that intimacy that breaks down the music. Maybe share a story or say what’s on our heart. But when you’re playing at a club, you got 45 minutes. That’s when we don’t want to come down on people. We don’t want people walking away saying, "Well, I really like those guys, but they talk too much." Or, "They try to convert me to their religion." We know that backfires against us. Our goal is that you walk away not just saying, "Wow, those guys rock." We hope those guys walk away saying, "Dude, those guys are cool. Dude, they really rock the crowd, but those dudes are talking about things positive. Those guys are talking about love and everlasting life. They were talking about God of love." We want them to walk away thinking for themselves. Not necessarily because they were forced. You know, we gotta be careful. 'Cause I can go out there and say, "Hey man, God bless you guys," and all of a sudden I have an angry mob at me because I said that. So I have to watch it. But if it calls for it, I’m definitely not ashamed. I’m not afraid to stop a crowd. And it’s up to you what you take [from it]. But at the same time, when we go on the Primus tour, dude, they’re paying money to see Primus and P.O.D., so I’m not going to rob them of that either. I hope that they do enjoy the show. But I don’t want them walking away saying, "Hey, I paid for a show. I didn’t pay for a…speech..."

Interviewer: A Lecture?

Sonny: Yeah, exactly. But at the same time it is our heart’s desire that they don’t walk away just thinkin’ "Wow, those guys rocked." And toast their beers to us and just say, "Wow" and go into the pit and knock somebody out. We want them to leave and say, "Man, those guys are different than all the other bands."

Are P.O.D. going secular?
"At first," says Sonny, "we were militant about our faith, really in people's faces. We used to say, 'I don't care if they kick us off the stage, I'm gonna tell them about Jesus!' But what good did that do? They never invited us back to the club. Then God started to tell us, 'You don't have to fight for me. I fight for you. You just go out there and love them. Love them to me.'" ~ Campus Life Interview

Has P.O.D. gone soft?
[Submitted by: TribaLink]
No not at all...they have just broadened their range of music. POD cant be classified under one genre nor do they want too. They got mad flavour and they show it on songs like "Ridiculous" and "Ghetto". But they heavier beats are definitely there...look at "Boom," "Anything Right" and "Without Jah Nothin'" our boys will always be heavy... but they are musicians and can play everything!

[Submitted by: mgc_mushroom] April 2001 Hit Parader
"We've always been a band that relied on playing what we felt inside," he said. "We've always admired a band like Bad Brains because you knew they were always ready to try anything if they thought it would work with their music. They were one of the first bands to bust punk, hardcore and reggae, and that was dope. That inspired us a lot. We've tried to take all the music we liked- whether it has a latin feel, a hip-hop feel or a metal feel- and just do it up the best way we can. On the next album (Satellite) we're just gonna try to push everything along the same way. But we like offering up a few surprises too. If people think they've got P.O.D. totally scoped out, we think they're in for some stuff they don't really expect." -Wuv

Who are the "warriors?"
[Found in the signature of: FinnishWarrior]
MTV: Let's talk about the Warriors, as your fans are known. Why are they called that?

Sandoval: Because they're loyal. We're thankful for every new fan, but there's a lot of kids [that know us from when] we used to play their back yards. We were playing wherever we could, sleeping on their floors, and they were buying us lunch and dinner. With what we're about and what we stand for ... there are a lot of kids that are proud of us. They were more proud when we got signed than we were. Now, when these kids come out, it's genuine. It's not like, "This is my flavor-of-the-month because they have a hit song." They're coming to our shows to experience what we experience. It's kind of like magic.

Daniels: A lot of them were down with us when the style of music we were doing back in '92 wasn't even cool.

Bernardo: They're responsible for the reaction we get in certain cities. We'll go through the cities we've been playing for eight, nine years, and those kids ... are taking P.O.D.'s name and blowing it up all over the city. Every one of our bus drivers gets mad 'cause we let everybody on the bus. They're constantly looking at the carpet, and we're like, "Dude, we'll clean it up."

Why is the man doing the "devil sign" on the cover of FEOS and why do POD "swear" with that two finger symbol (middle and index finger)? (Question seen on the message boards)
[Submitted by: ukwarrior]
In America, the home of POD, the two finger sign is not swearing. It is like the peace sign and not an offensive form of swearing. So although in many other countries it is swearing, it is not to the guys or to the people who live in America, so they are not in fact swearing. As for the "devil sign", it is not the devil sign but a sign meaning 'I love you' because the thumb is up (each finger representing each word in turn). The devil sign is just index and little finger so it is not the devil sign that POD are using at all but a peaceful sign of love.

How can I get on the street team?
The street teams were accepting applications a few months before the release of "Satellite" and unfortunately no more applications are being accepted because the street team members have already been selected. Try again when POD is close to releasing a new album.

How can I get backstage passes/tickets/meet POD?
POD tries to spend as much time with their fans as possible, but there aren't any real tricks. You get backstage passes by winning them or by knowing people, you get tickets by going and buying them (obviously), and you can meet them by staying late after the show and keeping an eye out for them, or by showing up early and keeping an eye out for them. A meeting is never guaranteed, you just gotta take your chances and be patient.

What does their logo mean?
It is called a Trinqueta or a Trinity. The interlocking, never ending circles represent the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

POD Message Board Questions

Does POD ever post on the message boards?
No, not very often. Marcos posted for a few days during the summer of 2001 though.

How do I post a picture?
[img]picture URL here[/img] Your picture must have a URL. It will not upload from a folder on your hard drive.

How do I post a link?
[url]link URL here[/url] make sure you type http:// in front of the link.

How can I be a moderator?
Moderators are selected, not applied for.

Who are INFOMAN and B. Baltimore Brown and ATLANTIC RECORDS?
The world may never know about INFOMAN... but B. Baltimore Brown (aka. BBB, B3, B cubed) is the webmaster, and Atlantic Records is the label representative.

other questions

Are tattoos and piercings a sin?
Here are links to a website that as Biblical references and explanations about these topics: Tattoos and Piercings of the Body

What does "Secular" mean?
Secular by dictionary definition basically means something non-religious.

What does "Jah" mean?
[Found in the signature of: mentalpatient]
Jah is actually hebrew for "the Lord," only there is no "j" sound in the hebrew alphabet and it sounds like the "y" sound, so it's actually Yah in hebrew. Whenever the Bible says, hallelujah it's saying "praise the Lord". Jah=the Lord. For proof besides an ancient hebrew study read along to Psalm 150 while listening to it on the FEOS cd. Halleluia is the americanized version of the word cause while America rocks, it can be stupid, ignorant, and prideful at times.

Got anymore questions? Answers for questions? Email them to Also, we reccommend answering your question with a quote from the boys, or from someone/somewhere else. Thanks!