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Snuffer of tha punks

Name: Kegan
Username: Snuffer of tha Punks (changes every week )
Age: 15 (16 in dec!)
Location: Trinity, NC, US of A
Fan Since: uhm, way back when, post feos but pre mtv
Got into POD because: Friggin tight (need any other reason? )
Favorite Album: Satallite
Favorite Song: Portrait
Favorite Member: me!
Best Forum Bud: probably S&S
Favorite Quote: Sometimes you just have to walk right in and demand your rights. Even if you dont know what your rights are, or who the person is you talking to. and then, on the way out, slam the door. - Jack Handey
Other Bands You Dig: uhm, East west, project 86, living sacrafice, linkin park, stretch armstrong, blindside, anything loud and not stoopid
Single/Looking? single, not looking
3 Words to Describe Yourself: crazier than keren
