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The background music playing is Allison Krauss-
In The Palm Of Your Hand, one of my favorite songs

Hello, and thanks for stopping by.

My name is Rhonda. I am 35 years old and still living at home. My home of course. I have considered running away once or twice. However, I was concerned that the dog would starve to death, the fish would be eaten by the cat, and the cat would die in the fire when my four children burned down the house. Yes I did say four (4) children, all girls of course. Some of us are just lucky in life. To have been blessed with four daughters that is. Or at least that is what I keep telling my husband Tom.

I work as a Vocational Resource Specialist in Northern California for a non prophet organization where I assist dislocated workers train into new fields and find employment.

Between work and family I stay pretty busy as you could imagine. However, I do get a little bit of free time now and then. I am currently teaching myself how to write HTML and Java. I’m far from being an expert, but I do enjoy it. I love to draw and paint and do artsy stuff so the web has become my new canvas. $20.00 a month and no mess to clean up, not to bad of a deal if you ask me.

I also love ridding my horse Destine, who is a 15 hand Quarter horse. Destine is 6 years old and has the best disposition of any horse I have ever ridden.

I am the oldest of three children. I grew up on the California Coast in a small town. I still keep in touch with my childhood best friends. Hi Franki and Merrily, love and miss you! My favorite color is green and my dog’s name is Sammy. As for the rest of the many things I love in life, I suggest checking out the links on my web page. Who knows you may find something you love also.