Mr. Fossner and Board Members of SCFof Music:


In response to request made by board members of South Colonie Friends of Music at April 3rd meeting, I am recounting the positive experience my  12-year old daughter, Annie, and I had when she attended the Summer Program of the South Colonie Friends of Music Program.  I was at my children's concert in March at Sand Creek Middle School when Mr. Moss introduced himself to the audience and gave a brief introduction about the Friends of Music Program for students of South Colonie.  I was particularly grieved when he mentioned that if parents did not get involved, there was a good chance that the organization might not continue next year due to lack of members.


  I need to backtrack a little and tell you about my only daughter, Annie.  She is "sandwiched" in between three overpowering brothers and remains a very sweet and quiet liitle girl.  She has worked hard to keep up with her classmates and her brothers (things come more naturally for them), but I love to refer to her as "scrappy".  She's quietly tenacious, and never gives up.  Her reward is that she knows she can do anything she puts her mind to, and she works until she does it as well as anyone else.



Our three older children attended Our Savior's Lutheran School up to 6th Grade.  My oldest son was able to take piano lessons from a woman who would come to Our Savior's. He has since taught himself guitar and now is interning with the church's worship band.  My son, Jon, who is now an 8th grader, was placed in Sand Creek in 7th grade. He was looking forward to starting the saxophone, but we were told by Jon's guidance counselor that it was impossible to take an instrument in 7th grade.  The child had to begin lessons in 5th grade to be considered for band or orchestra by 7th grade.  It was suggested to us to get private lessons, and if Jon was able to master enough of the instrument duing summer break, he could be evaluated by the music teachers. He had only two months to take two years of music lessons, so we opted for chorus, at the guidance counselor's urging.  (Chorus was the better choice; sadly, General Music had become the choice of youth who lacked self-control and interest in music.)


We were now facing the same option with Annie, who is a year younger than Jon.  She was hoping to  learn to play the flute and join the band when

she got to Sand Creek Middle School.  She had taken violin lessons from a woman who gave private lessons at Our Savior's, but these lessons were not enough to prepare her for the level of expertise she needed for Sand Creek's school orchestra.


Last spring, 2001, Jon brought home the Summer Program for the South Colonie Friends of Music that was given out to Sand Creek students.

Sometime in June, I contacted Debbie Jones.  I explained our situation to her, and asked if in four lessons, Annie could somehow master enough of the flute to squeak into 7th grade band.  Ms. Jones was fantastic and encouraging.  We signed Annie up for the four  half-hour lessons and rented a flute.


I can't even explain after watching Mr. Gerbino, Annie's instructor at Lisha Kill,  work with her each week, the overwhelming gratitude I feel for him and the entire program. He was awesome and enthusiastic.  Annie responded each week to his encouragement and constant praise of her abilities. I would sit in the stairwell near the music room listening to Annie and Mr. Gerbino practice.  From there I would also enjoy the music of other students and the many different instruments that were played.  Just listening each week to the beauty of each piece and seeing the hard work and enthusiasm of all the instructors involved was evidence of the excellent musical instruction and opportunities South Colonie offers.


Mr. Gerbino was so pleased with Annie's progress in just four weeks that he was sure that she would have no trouble getting into 7th grade band.

I don't think any other person could have done so much for my daughter.  I am forever grateful, because he made my daughter's and my dream a reality.  My daughter has been playing flute since September at Sand Creek with Mr. Kirsty, and she will be performing at the end of May in NYSSMA at Level 2.


This wasn't something I was planning on sharing with the SCFofM Board, but it was for this reason I needed to show support, start attending SCFOM meetings and give back what this program has done for my daughter.

  I think I started by suggesting to the Board that there are many parents with children in paroccial or private schools who do not have the musical opportunities that public school children have, and maybe Summer Program information could be sent to these schools too.


Thank you for your attention.