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CD Ordering Page

New Album (No name as of now)

Expect it late May, early June.   

We'll be selling this for even cheaper than the last.  We want everyone who scanned this site to buy it and get our music out there.  Expect shipping charges and a few bucks for it.  

Old Songs to be included:  Godzilla, Dance Parties, Infamous Youth, Paradise, The Streaking Song, I Hate Hicks, Plastic Currency, Important Lessons, Not on Halloween, Boe-Ray, Little Sammy, Labels, Dead Rock Stars

PLUS, all new, original songs: Scurvy Monkey, Girly Song, Give me Tang, Open Road, Sobriety, My Generation (not a Who cover), Two Guitars,   Plus many more currently unnamed and undisclosed tracks...



Second Rate: Garaged........$5 (+ $1 S&H)

Release Date: OUT NOW

Cost is $5 plus 1 buck shipping (you have no reason not to buy it) Its real good, better than we expected, so email us right now...


TO ORDER, Email us simply with a request for a CD, and we will tell you an address you can ship a check, money order, or cash to, and upon receiving the money (assuming you left your address in the envelope that the money was in) we will send it to your address.   


With all our old songs:



Dance Parties                                          

Walking Wounded              

Infamous Youth  

The Streaking Song


I Hate Hicks

Also, new, never before heard originals!  Including:                                             

Plastic Currency                                       

Important Lessons                                    

Not On Halloween                                    

The 'Hardcore' Song


Little Sammy


Dead Rock Stars

























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