Let's Go Mets! OCTOBER 31 - 2015 World Series GAME #4 vs Kansas City Royals

Steven Matz (4-0 2.27) starts game 4 at Citi Field against Chris Young (11-6 3.06) The Mets will try to even up the series with a win.

Lets Go Mets! A late inning loss and heroes turned to goats. The brightest spot being Michael Conforto's two home runs, one off a righty and one off a lefty. Every Mets fan sees this guy being a great player for years to come. After Tyler Clippard walked two consecutive batters with one out, an error by NLCS MVP Daniel Murphy and back to back singles brought in 3 runs to give the Royals the lead. Mets bats were silent again with the exception of Conforto's two shots.

Ticket Cost: $340
Time of game: 3:29
Attendance: 44,815

Game #4 view

My special guest for game 4

My wife Deb flew out from California to go to game 4. We walked around all the festivities that were outside the ballpark. I saw someone taking a picture with a guy in a suit and it was SNY announcer Gary Cohen. He walked away and I followed. Gary, Keith Hernandez and Ron Darling are my TV connection to the Mets. I've watched nearly 95% of the Mets games the last 10 years [probably more] on TV or MLB.tv and Gary gives me the play by play. Luckily when I called out his name behind him he graciously stopped and posed for a picture. I tried to give him the short 15 second version of my story as Deb took the picture. I was very happy as one of my tasks for the year was to meet Gary.

Skid with Mets SNY announcer Gary Cohen

Deb and I wandered out to the parking lot for my second day tailgating with the Chapmans. Sharon, Kevin and crew were excited to meet my wife who has allowed my dream to be realized. Kevin cooked up some hamburgers and we toasted a drink to the Mets. I met a few more Mets fans while tailgating [Charlie, Tracy, Justin, etc]. Deb and I went into the ballpark about an hour and a half before game time and did a walk around the park. It was really crowded and bottlenecked at some points but we made it around and then back to our seats.

2nd day of Chapman tailgate

Deb had to buy her seat on Stub Hub and was 3 sections over towards the right field corner. We waved to each other a couple times but the game was too exciting to turn away from. We thought that Conforto's two home runs would be enough but Kansas City rallied to win their third game of the series.

my view again

Freddie and crew from the Cubs games were in full uniform for Halloween with superhero outfits. The Riddler, Batman, Robin and Evil Knievel [these characters have no super powers?!] were on hand to fight the invaders and bring victory to the Mets. Unfortunately their efforts were for naught and the Mets lost again putting them in a hole of having to win three games in a row to win the Series.

Even Superheroes could not help

After the game Deb and I went over to the Delta seats where she met some of the nice employees I've been hanging around with. While Hal from security was letting all of the Mets family and friends through to the tunnels, we stood patiently. As they all exited their seats and headed below one lady said to me "Skid, we love your blog" and the next gentleman says "Skid Rowe! You have a great blog" and shook my hand! I didn't know who they were but I thanked them and looked at Deb in amazement. Hal said he thought maybe it was Mets catcher Kevin Pawlecki's parents but he wasn't sure. It turns out it was Michael Conforto's Aunt & Uncle! The McDermott's, Cathy & Dennis, whom I met at game #67 on August 31st when Michael hit a home run, sent them a link to my website. Thank you Cathy for following me on Facebook and my website. Thank you to Michael's family for the complements. Tell Michael he has a big fan in California and I hope to meet him again in San Francisco when the Mets visit next year.

We followed the team's family and friends into the Delta seats where we saw guest services employee Steve whom I have spent many a game talking to during batting practice. He hugged Deb and called her a saint, nominating her for sainthood. As we walked down the aisle to the exit tunnel, Steve told Deb they were going to take up a collection to bring me out to NY for next season. Deb laughed and said "Dave's in charge of the money, if he can make it work." We then went into the Delta 360 club to use the restroom and saw bartender Andrew and food services attendant Kevin. Again as we exited, we saw rotunda security supervisor Mike who greeted Deb with a "You're not our jinx are you?" I most likely had mentioned to Mike that Deb had gone to LA to see game 2 and Ruben got hurt and the Mets lost. It was a good laugh but Deb didn't like to be blamed for a loss.

Citi staff: Hal, Steve, Mike & Christine

We then went back upstairs to see Christine whom we had met the very first day at Citi Field during the season's first game watch party in Washington. Once we went outside the ballpark, all the talking head stages were in full swing. There was not as many people as yesterday because of the loss. We stood behind the SNY booth where the booth trio of Gary, Keith and Ron were joined by Nelson Figueroa and Gary Apple. When they were finished with their show, Gary was walking to the SNY bus. I walked alongside Gary and told him "I'm a 40+ year Mets fan in California and..." Gary says "From Modesto". I finished with "Gary, you are my connection to the Mets every game in California. I've been watching for 10 years and Thank You for what you guys do." He thanked me and walked towards the bus as I turned to Deb and quietly said "I never told him I was from Modesto." I was in astonishment for a minute but figured he had read the Mets tumbler article on me. Sharon and Kevin told me the next day that Gary also is known to read Jason Fry and Greg Prince's Faith And Fear In Flushing posts and that is how he knew I was from Modesto. I was excited that people knew my story even though I did not know or talk to them.

The Mets backs are to the wall after this loss. They must win three straight to get the Championship Trophy. I'm a little nervous but with Harvey, deGrom, and Syndergaard on the mound for games 5, 6 & 7 I still believe it can happen and put a exclamation mark on my Dream Season.