Go Mets. Lets Go Mets! The second month of the year starts with the Mets in 1st place in their division with a 4.5 game lead over the Braves and Marlins. Starting the month with 3 games against Washington, losses could tighten up the division. Most of the month is scheduled against NL Central Division opponents. After my 10 games and a Temple of Rock concert in 11 days during April, May is even more aggressive with a 4 day trip home, a Saxon concert, a seven game homestand, a road trip to Pittsburgh with my brother for three games, then six more home games. All that with only one day off at the end of the month. That's 17 events (16 games & 1 concert) in 18 days when I return from a much needed home visit.

End of Month Update

Wow, what a crazy month May was! The shine has worn from games and I feel more comfortable, acquainted, and familiar with the pace of the season. With 18 home games at Citi this month and my trip home to California, plus a Saxon concert in Pennsylvania, I only had four off days in May. It has been hard to catch my breath. The brief trip home was nice but made being away for so long tougher. And 13 Mets games in thirteen days was the best two weeks of work ever. Now with 29 games under my belt, nearly 1/3 of the way through the season, the Mets are only a half game behind the Washington Nationals. They are 5 wins over .500 and are near the top teams in pitching stats.

The newness of being here has begun to wear off but I'm still enjoying it. Having my brother out here for five games was an awesome time even if I had to step aside while the Pirates kicked the Mets butts and Dan got to enjoy his sports town for a weekend. Pittsburgh has a very beautiful, intimate ballpark and fill it with great fans. The weekend in Pittsburgh was the first time Dan & I had ever been to Mets/Pirates games together in 45 years of being fans of our respective teams.

The Mets ended May with 11 home wins and 7 home losses. Overall for the month of May the Mets had 13 wins with 15 losses, dropping them to second place behind the Nats. The Mets are 20-8 at Citi and 28-23 in the 51 games played in the first two months. Pitching had been good but the bats are too often silent.