Albuquerque NM to Rowe NM to Amarillo TX

Today's Driving Distance: 350 Miles - Driving Time: 8 Hours

Total Driving Distance [so far]: 1750 Miles - Driving Time: 30 Hours

A quick visit to Rowe NM

It had quit raining but I did drive through some sprinkles during the day. I left Albuquerque and headed north to Rowe, NM. I had always seen the town on maps since I was a kid and thought it would be cool to check it out. Rowe was about an hour away and a nice drive on good roads through the mountains. The population is around 600 people. When I got there it was nothing more than a post office [why it's on the map] and scattered country homes. The post office was the size of a small mobile home. I took a couple pictures and shrugged my shoulders, deciding to move on to Texas.

If I had blinked I would have missed it.

The only non home I found

My tunage for today was three Michael Schenker live albums which took up most of the drive. Rain sprinkled off and on but came down real good as I approached Amarillo. When I crossed into Texas, I checked my car dash stats and I had driven 1725 miles over 28 hours. It rained heavy most of the night with high winds so I again ate at the Courtyard I was staying in. I knew I had a long special trip tomorrow so I turned in early.

On to Day 8

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