Every week on Monday we will be starting a new Story Telling competition - with great prizes! The current prize is 500 NP, plus a random rare item!!! This is how it works...
We start a story and you have to write the next few paragraphs. We will select the best submissions every day and put it on the site, and then you have to write the next one, all the way until the story finishes. Got it? Well, submit your paragraphs below!
--- Valrigard raced up the gloomy staircase to the next level of Meridell castle's dungeon. As he reached the landing, he heard a chilling voice stop him dead in his tracks. "Going somewhere, Valrigard?" The prisoner froze instantly, and turned around slowly to see a familiar face. King Skarl's top Magistrate and advisor grinned maliciously. "Thagneston," muttered Valrigard, a hate rising in him like nothing he had ever felt before. This is my chance, he thought, to take vengeance on the pet who framed me! He raised his scimitar and poised himself to fight. "That's right," replied Thagneston dangerously. "Really, Valrigard, after all these years plotting to escape and now you've failed. Why, I think that's the worst thing I've ever heard of. Come now, scum, you know you can't defeat me..." |
By Kacheeksaver2, June 21st |
...Valrigard grasped the pommel of his sword and prepared to fight when, all of a sudden, ten new guards burst from the grate below him and Thagneston; knocking him off his feet.
Dazed and numb, the draik heard the laughing of the Techo magistate blaring in his ears. "And now," said he, "is where you get sent back into the dungeon where I left you three years ago. After all this time, Tut, tut, Valrigard." Shaking the ringing out of his head, Valrigard jumped to his feet and backed into the chilly stone wall-trapped. Slowly the guards approached, closing him in. This is it, Valrigard thought. This is the end... Out of nowhere a strong, sturdy and familiar voice called out, "What is the commotion down there, Thagneston?" Valrigard's heart lept with joy-It was King Skarl!!... FINISH IT OFF-What happens to Valrigard in the end? |
By Rainbowpoogle2000, June 24th |
..."My...Milord!" cried Thagneston, utterly surprised. "Tis nothing, your King, your Grace! A mere bit of filth, a traitor, trying to escape his dungeon. Do not fear, my King, surely you won't remember him!"
Valrigard, meanwhile, felt the deadly tips of a hundred spears pressed dangerously against his throat. He tensed his muscles and squeezed his eyes shut, preparing himself for the final blow that would end his miserable existence. "Shall I dispatch him for you, Lord Thagneston?" shouted the largest guard, Oligard, to his master; presently pressing his spear against Valrigard hard enough to draw a trickle of blood. The draik did not flinch. "Yes!" hollered Thagneston back desperately, "Quickly as you can-!" "Just a moment!" King Skarl growled. "You said this beast is a traitor? Let me look upon his wretched face. Let me take pleasure in seeing the fear in his eyes as his betrayed King puts a sword through his heart. He will then wish that he had not betrayed his King then!" Thagneston now was utterly terrified. Unable to speak properly, he stayed silently awaiting his doom. The guards around poor Valrigard were unsure of what to do. Skarl was their King, but they were far more afraid of Thagneston. "Out of my way!" bellowed the King. Slowly, the spears were withdrawn from Valrigard's throat, and he was left in the open, panting. Why cannot they just end it? he wondered. Anything would be better than to keep seeing my life pass before my eyes again and again. Still, the accursed draik tried to stand up straight and look the King in the eye. His haggard breath and heartbeat could be heard leagues away from the dungeon. King Skarl stepped with that dignified way that all of nobility are so proudly born with towards the prisoner, raising his sword. "Now... let me look upon this traitor, if he not be a coward!" Without hesitation, Valrigard stepped forward, letting his scimitar clatter to the dank floor, into a pool of light. In so doing, he said, "My King, if it is your wish that I be dead, then strike me with your sword and I shall fall happily to the ground! For it is the Knight's duty to fulfill his King's will, and nothing would make this Draik more joyful than dying with the knowledge that his Lord was pleased with him!" Skarl took a step back and gasped, "Valrigard! I believed you dead!" Then rounding on Thagneston bellowed, "THIS DRAIK IS NO TRAITOR!" Valrigard now spoke quickly, seeing a flame ignite in Thagneston's eyes, "King Skarl, I was charged three or four years ago of high treason to your Lordship for divulging secrets of the Kingdom to the Darigan enemy. I was thrown in this place without trial or hope, framed by the wretched creature you see before you!" King Skarl had turned his back for a moment to listen to Valrigard, and when turning around found the Techo Magistrate right behind him-his sword placed at the King's heart! "What is this?" demanded Skarl, failing miserably at concealing his apprehension. Although he looked rather mighty with a blade in his hand, the King was a most incompetent swordsman and had no hope at defeating an accomplished one like Thagneston. "Why it is my plan, falling into place as usual!" cried Thagneston, quite madly. "No one saw it, not even the filth standing behind you! It was not my future to be King, but I sought it and now I find it! It was so very simple you see, Skarl. All I had to do was eliminate those who stood in my way. First it was Valrigard, the pathetic innocent who expected nothing from life but to die in the hands of a Darigan warrior. Next 'twas your two brothers, Krelar and Donphan, killed tragically in battle. And, at last, 'twill be you, my King, who fell down a grate in Meridell Castle, never to be seen again-replaced by his noble successor King Thagneston!" Thagneston then drew his arm back to stab Skarl. Before his plunge could be completed, however, he found another blade protruding from his middle. The usurper now revealed turned round to face Valrigard, glaring triumphantly from behind him. ---- It was a lovely day in Meridell when Valrigard tasted fresh air for the first time. Once stepped out of the Castle, forgetting all dignity, Skarl embraced him like a brother. "My friend, how does freedom feel?" asked he. Gazing out at the land he had so long dreamed of, Valrigard smiled his first real smile in four years. "Better than I had ever imagined," he replied. THE END:)! | By mememe_allison26, June 26th. |
What happens next? (Write the next few paragraphs and send them to kacheeksaver2!)