Thanks You's
I'd like to thank the following people:
The Shanks-You are my spiritual parents and my other half. I would not be the man I am today if it was not for you both. Thank so much. I love you to death.
Matt Shank-You are my christian hero. Thank you for being such a positive influence on me and a wonderful role model in my eyes. I want to be just like you.
My First Church of the Nazarene family:
The Shanks, The Penns, The Sutters, The Ringers, The Smalls, The Moyers, The Standyards, The Stewards, The Izbickis, The Brosnans, The Neils, The Moroskys, Kay Talber, Kay Driggs, Ethelyn Schwartz(my church/spiritual grandma), Vera Johnson(my other churh/spiritual grandma), Donna Summerville, Carol Saint, Bob and JoAnn, Pastor Ken the Mayhles and the rest of the Carriage Hill gang, The Andersons, Lucille Ester, Leah Ball and her friend Nancy, and the rest of my church family. You are all my brothers and sisters. Thank you for being such a wonderful positive powerful good christian influence in my life. I won't ever forget any of you all.
My Favorite Movies
- Star Wars: Episode II: Attack of the Clones
- A Walk To Remember
- Left Behind
- Lilo & Stitch
My Favorite Soft Drinks