A few minutes with businessman/rockstar Jimmy Maler and you can feel the creative energy crackling in the air. Leading the phenomenal Dizzy Park, he is truly one of Cleveland’s indie-alternative princes. With the dawn of a new CD on the horizon, Jimmy, Russell, David, and Jonnie are sure to have the stars shining. Read on to see what he had to say about what’s happening and what to expect next...
Tourbus: When and what brought Dizzy Park together?
Jimmy: Dizzy park came together in 1999 - with me, Russell Bombik (drums) and David Romweber (bass). We had be playing together in a previous band and decided to go in a different direction musically.... Dizzy was the result. Our first effort was the recording of "high gloss dope" in the fall of ‘99 . We followed that disc up with "stranger that friction" in 2001 and haven't looked back since.
Tourbus: What one single event in your life got you involved in music?
Jimmy: I would have to credit that to a 1979 kiss concert that my parents took me to
Tourbus: When you're at home alone sitting in your chair, what CD do you pop in?
Jimmy: Hmmm...I'd say anything by the Beatles, Jellyfish, Marvelous 3, Imperial Drag, The Szuters.
Tourbus: Do you have a greatest accomplishment in your music up to this point you would like to share?
Jimmy:I think finally playing music for the right reasons and not measuring success by fame or money. Don't get me wrong I'd love to enjoy the trappings of a multi-platinum record but for most of us to get to that level you have to write & perform for reasons beyond that.
Tourbus: What influences your music?
Jimmy: For me everything does - relationships, day to day experiences, other artists.
Tourbus: Can you give us any hints as what to expect on the new material?
Jimmy: It's not much of a departure from what we've been playing. I feel like we have an established sound and style but I think it's more refined and interesting this time around.
Tourbus: Any big plans once the CD is released? Touring? Distribution?
Jimmy: Big plans you ask....! We are looking forward to playing more locally and regionally - The internet has been an amazing tool for indie bands to spread their gospel and we plan to continue selling records that way. The opportunity for national distribution and management is alive and well. We hope to have good news to tell in 2002!
Tourbus: When can we expect to see the release?
Jimmy: We are working on demos and writing new material as we speak. Recording should start in mid may and we hope to have the record out by early July.
Tourbus: Where would you like to see Dizzy Park in five years?
Jimmy: Well of course coming off a national tour, multi platinum record, Sound track deal, Grammy award, video on heavy rotation!! Did I miss anything....? Our own Lunch box!
Tourbus: Anything else you would like to add?
Jimmy: I'd like to thank all of the fans, musicians and media that support and keep indie music alive. Regardless of how long you do it or how you measure the success of your music...it's a special time so live it, love it and rock on!!
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