This Is Their Home -
This small seaside
town infamous for its blue rinse brigade is the home town of
four of the five Toploader lads. Not exactly notorious
as a procreating hotbed of rock 'n' roll its the place where
the lads spent there days before they were dazzled by the
bright lights of fame!!
However, reputation regardless
this sleepy little seaside town was a major lyrical influence,
as our favourite mop-topped keyboardist once said “The thing
about Eastbourne is you’ve got the sea and the downs and
countryside so the chilled factor is quite high, so a lot of
the lyrics are kind of coming from that perspective, either
escapism or looking out to somewhere else.” |
Favourite Places
Groves formerly Sullivan's is
the place were four early 20's men sat and found that they
agreed on the important matters of lager, women and music.
“We all just ended up in the same pub talking about the same
subjects and going off to play in a garage,” says drummer
Rob Green. “We just found a garage and that was it.”
Unbeknown to them they had just formed the core of the
fantastic band that we all know and love, Toploader!!
Groves (Formerly Sullivan's)
49A Grove Road, Eastbourne,
East Sussex, BN21 4TX
Joe, Julian and
Dan's Fave Pub
Sylvester's, 4 Pevensey Road,
East Sussex, BN21 3JH
Dan's Fave Pub
Hurst Arms, 76 Willingdon
Road, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN21 1TW
Matt's Fave Pub
Greenhouse, 10 Station Road,
Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN21 4RG
Rob's Fave Pub
The Eagle, 57 South Street,
Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN21 3JX