-- Shit, it's so late -- Kevin
-- We can't go all in this elevator --Brian
-- Of course no.Billy you take the other one and we'll descend with this -- Howie
They had decided to leave the party and now they were in front of the elevators. They chose to take number 1 and their bodyguard number 2.
The door opened and they began to enter
-- AJ stop the door, Nick is missing -- Brian
-- But where does he have gone now? -- AJ
-- he has forgotten his phone! Look, he's coming ! -- Brian
-- Ok, I'm here. Go -- Nick
Howie pushed the button .It was 2:00 am and they were vreallyy tired. The party had been long and boring, as always when the party was organized by their record lebel. They had to appear kind and beautiful even if they felt like shit. Kevin and Howie had done the habit, Brian considered these the aching side of their job while Nick and AJ couldn't stand these parties
-- Another one like this and I'll shoot me! -- AJ
-- My God, I think it has been the most boring of my life ! -- Nick
-- Nick, you say it after all this kind of feast. -- Howie
-- It's because each time is worse --Nick
Kevin was exustous and was fighting to not close his eyes . AJ sat down on the floor, Howie was eating a candy-bar that he had taken at the party, Nick was leaning against the wall and Brian was trying to call his wife with his phonedid
-- They should put phones in elevators because cell phones doesn't work -- Brian
-- and for what reason ? --AJ
-- Because instead of being bored a man could speak with his wife... A thing i'd like to do right now -- Brian
-- Brian, your wife now is sleeping -- Howie
Suddently a noise
-- What was that ? --Nick