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.::Leaving Tomorrow::.

June 17 2003

Well tomorrow I leave for Hawaii to visit my grandparents.  I must say it will be a blast.  I get to walk around in my swimsuit all day and eat japanese food at nite.  Im stayin at no hotels, just sleepin at my gp's house.  Ill be there until July 2, just in time for the fireworks and the 4 of July.  What really blows though, is that the 2 weeks will go by very fast, like all vacations go, and Ill be home wondering where all the time went. Hopefully when Im there I can meet up with some frineds cuz i have some there.  Itd be cool to meet up with a pal half way across the globe.  What will I be doing for 2 weeks?:: swimming in my gp's pool, eatin good food, getting sun, swimming at the incredible beaches, going to the avg tourist attractions: Waikiki Beach, Pearl Harbor etc, and having a good time.  If anyone actually reads this useless crap, Ill be posting from Hawaii to tell more fun-filled stories.  So Im leavin tomorrow at 2 pm and ill be back July 2, see everyone then. Peace. 

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.::Is Summer Here?::.

June 15 2003

Yes summer is here but it doesnt feel like it.  I really havent gone out [one time]  yet this week and I'm leaving for Hawaii in 3 days to visit my grandparents.  Im really bored right now and I figured I should do something so Im doin this.  This is the first time Ive been back to the site and I must say it looks pretty cool.  Today is also father's day.  We got my dad one of those little outdoor fireplaces, but its not that little. Its pretty cool, I'll probably have some friends over and make smores and sing songs around the fire, nah.  So up there you see a little thing that in the future might be a universal posting thing so when anyone visits the site, they can write stuff in there which would be kinda cool, like a little chat room for everyone.  Thats all, later.   O ya the counters mest up, not that many people actually come here.  

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» Check it out:: an aim buddy icon for absent minded, just right click and save as picture and then make it your icon on aim.


.::Flash Movies::.

» Peanut Butter Jelly Time