1. When will Mardi Gras be in 2007?
b. February 20
2. Singer Henry Connick started what krewe?
d. Krewe of Orpheus
3. What are the three colors of Mardi Gras and what do they stand for?
Purple represents justice
Green stands for faith
Gold signifies power.
4. The first newspaper account of throws begin tossed from a parade float was in 1871. What Krewe is credited with tossing the first throws of a float in New Orleans?
a. Twelfth Night Revelers
5. Name three other countries that have significant Mardi Gras or Carnaval celebrations.
Answers may include Brazil, France, Australia, Bulgaria, Sydney, London, Rio De Janerio, Trinidad, Toronto, Bulgaria, Russia, Greece, Venice Phillipines, Quebec
6. Doubloons are coin-like objects bearing the Krewe's insignia on one side and their ball theme on the reverse. What year were the first doubloons thrown from floats in a parade?
b. 1960
7. When is the official beginning of the Carnival Season?
January 6, The Feast of the Epiphany, also known as Twelfth Night
8. What does Boeuf Gras stand for and what is its significance?
The fatted bull or ox, the ancient symbol of the last meat eaten before the Lenten season of fasting.
9. The king of the ball and the captain of a krewe are usually the same person.
10. What the earliest date that Mardi Gras can occur and what is the latest?
c. February 3 - March 9
11. Which Krewe is sponsoring this year's Recipe Page of "The Beaded Shoe"?
The Krewe du Roux
12. Name this year's King for the Krewe of Gambrinus's celebration in Homer.
Sean Maryott
French for Fat Monday. The Monday immediately before Mardi Gras.
The more traditional Mardi Gras celebrations held in traditional Acadian communities such as in Mamou, Church Point, Basile, Iota, Kinder, and Eunice. Groups of Riders on horseback dressed in colorful costumes mocking royalty ride throughout the countryside, visiting houses and begging for ingredients to add to a large communal gumbo to be prepared in town later that day.
The plastic baby in the King Cake represents the Baby Jesus. Whoever finds the baby is king for the day (or queen) and must bring the cake the next time. In some krewes, whoever finds the baby is appointed King or Queen for the season.