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My lil waffle about Mel!

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I've been a huge fan of Mel since i 1st heard her voice, thinking back i dont really think it was the Spice Girls i liked (dont get me wrong they were good) but it was Mel, as her voice stood out sooo much compared 2 the other girls.

Theres certainly something very special about Mels voice as soon as i hear it i get shivers down my spine.
Mel has 4 sure been gifted with an incredible voice like no other.

i also like the way Mel is as a person, and feel shes taken far 2 much critisism from the press,(4 the press) but at the end of the day Mel is 1 of our most talented and well loved female vocalists, thats 1 thing no-one can ever take away from her.
So "keep rocking Mel!!" and lets hope we get the pleasure of hearing Mels voice 4 many more years 2 come!!