Kurt Cobain Death Scene Photos

Kurt Cobain

Kurt Cobain

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On 5 April 1994, Kurt Cobain, the tortured front-man of Nirvana, shot himself in the room above his garage. His body was discovered 3 days later (8 April) by an electrician visiting his property. Over 25 years later, the Seattle Police Department has released some of the death scene photos. I have posted some of them, below. These are not graphic, so no caution is required when viewing the images.

For more information regarding the artist's career and tragic death, visit the Kurt Cobain Tribute on The Archive.

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Cobain's garage

Cobain's garage, where he took his life.

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Cobain's watch

The musician's arm. He is still wearing the medical bracelet from the rehab clinic that he had left a few days prior to his death.

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Cobain's shoe

His shoe, next to which lies a box of shotgun cartridges.

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Cobain's wallet

The artist's wallet, displaying his state ID.

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Cobain's personal effects

Cobain's personal effects, including his hat, wallet, cigarettes, lighter and a cigar box containing his heroin "kit" (see next photo).

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Cobain's heroin kit

Cobain's heroin paraphernalia.

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Cobain's suicide note

The suicide note, written with a red pen and stuck in some dirt.

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The shotgun

The shotgun Cobain used to end his life.