The following is from Mail Online,

Hunting through bins for dregs of cocaine and cigarette burns down to the bone: Michael Hutchence detectives reveal desperate, destructive final hours before rock star hanged himself

Michael Hutchence

By Richard Shears

PUBLISHED: 03:51 EST, 16 February 2014 | UPDATED: 06:14 EST, 16 February 2014

The final drug and alcohol-fueled hours of rock star Michael Hutchence, found hanged in his Sydney hotel room 16 years ago, were revealed today by the two detectives who led the investigation into his shock death.

Before he hanged himself with a belt attached to the door of his luxury hotel room on November 22, 1997, Hutchence - the father of Paula Yates' child - penned his final lyrics, it has been revealed.

Former detective inspectors Mark Smith and Michael Gerondis have told for the first time the scene inside the singer's room at the harbourside Ritz-Carlton hotel, where Princess Diana once stayed, which showed his depressed state of mind.

The detectives have told of finding evidence of a man hell-bent on self-destruction, his fingers dark with nicotine stains and an old cigarette burn so deep that it exposed the bone.

'The cigarette went right through his fingers and it was sort of infected,' Mr. Gerondis told Sydney's Sunday Telegraph.

Coroner Derrick Hand found later that Hutchence had committed suicide in a depressed state of mind while affected by drugs, a mind that was affected by a battle over custody of Miss Yates' children which was being opposed by her former husband, singer Bob Geldolf.

The custody battle meant that Hutchence's own daughter with Yates, 16-month-old Tiger Lily, could not come to Australia from London to visit him for the upcoming 1997 Christmas.

The two police officers told the paper that there were signs of a desperate attempt to score drugs. And when that failed, the singer had rifled through the same rubbish bin - where the lyrics of his final song were found - in a search for any last dregs of cocaine.

'He was trying to get some cocaine but he did not get it so he was going through the remnants of the bin,' Mr. Gerondis told the paper.

The police officers found the bath filled with water, leading them to believe that he had been preparing to have a bath - before he went ahead and hanged himself with a belt.

It was at 11.50am the next morning that a maid who tried to enter the room found the singer's body.

'The maid could not get in because he was behind the door and as she pushed the door the belt snapped and he fell down. Poor maid,' said Mr. Gerondis.


Miss Yates never accepted the coroner's verdict that Hutchence had committed suicide, insisting that he had died accidentally in an auto-erotic personal sex game.

Such was her determination to make her point about the sex game to police that when she rushed to Australia and met the detectives in a posh Double Bay restaurant, near the hotel, she shouted at them while giving graphic details of the sex games she and Hutchence played with each other.

'He would strangle me during sex' she told the detectives.

'She was shouting at us, everyone was listening in, and I thought "How embarrassing is this?",' Mr. Gerondis told the newspaper.

His colleague, former inspector Smith, said nothing would convince Miss Yates that he had taken his own life.

'She was just adamant that she wanted her child growing up believing that it was an accidental death by auto-eroticism, instead of the fact that he killed himself because he wanted to see his child.'

The two police officers said the were convinced that it was a fight with Geldolf on the phone after actress Kym Wilson and her boyfriend Andrew Rayment had left Hutchence's room, that had resulted in him plunging into depression.

Mr. Gerondis said that the argument with Geldolf and the involvement of drugs meant that nothing was working for him that night. He rang his agent and said: 'I've had enough.'

Miss Yates, he said, went 'berserk' on her arrival in Sydney following the death, drinking a bottle of vodka at a luxury harbourside apartment block she had checked into.

'It was a circus getting her in and out,' said Mr. Gerondis. 'We could not talk to her for a while because she was so upset.

'We took her out to the airport when she left and she left the child in the VIP lounge - I had to carry her out to the plane.'

The singer's family began pressuring police to hand over his personal items that had been collected from the hotel room, including the partially-written song.

But all those items went to the executor of Hutchence's will, Hong Kong accountant Colin Diamond and it is unknown what happened to the song.

Huthence's family, including his late mother Patricia Glassop and his father, Kel - divorced from the singer's mother - received no money from his estate.

In an exclusive interview with the Mail in the months before her death, Mrs. Glassop said in her Gold Coast apartment - where her son's gold records were on display - that she would continue grieving for him until she passed away.

'I received nothing from Michael. It was all grabbed by others. It was a disgrace, the whole thing, a total disgrace,' she said.

The singer's death was not the end of a tragic saga. In 2000 Miss yates died of a heroin overdose in London, leaving Bob Geldolf custody of Tiger Lily.

'Bob Geldolf fought hard to prevent me seeing Tiger Lily,' said Mrs. Glassop. 'She came out for a visit and it was the most wonderful of moments, but he didn't want her to stay long with me.

'He didn't like Michael and so he put up all the barriers to prevent me, Michael's mother, getting any pleasure out of a visit from my granddaughter,' she told the Mail.

'I will probably never see her again.

She was right. She died in September, 2010 at the age of 84.