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Nomination Form

I, the webmistress, have the right to throw out any nomination as long as I see fit. I don't do things for no reason, so if your thrown out, just believe that there was a reason for it. I will e-mail you and notify you of your deleated nomination, pleae feel free to e-mail me back and ask me why. I'll be more than happy to take the time to tell you about it.

Due to the trouble that I've been having with all of the online nomination forms, I'm just gonna do it the way I KNOW it will work. Just copy and paste this nomination form into a blank e-mail, put in the answers that apply to your nominee and e-mail it to

Your Name
Your E-mail Address
Authors Name
Authors E-mail Address
Name of Story
URL of Story
Name of Site
URL of Site
Chapters *If applicable*
Characters *If applicable*
Are you the Author? *Don't be ahshamed*
Any comments?