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Okay, I know rules suck, but you've gotta have them or some people would completely dominate the awards. Don't look at me like that, I know of people who already do that. But Please, resume.

*All stories must be Backstreet Boys fanfiction and must be posted online.
* On the Nomination form where it says "Ever since the day..." put "She told me 'Hi!'"
* You must fill out all required fields of the form. Failure to do so will result in your nomination being thrown out.
* My stories can not be nominated for anything on this awards stie, but please feel free to nominate me on other sites ;-)
* There will only be ten nominations per categorie. Five will make it to the second round and after the second round, ONE First place winner, and ONE honorable mention will be chosen and awarded.
* Codes should be placed somewhere on the site that the nominated story is on. You have one week to do that.
* On the Nomination form change the answer the "Ever since the day..." to "I touched the sky"
* Each story by an author can be nominated in only rive categories. Each author can nominate three different stories. SO one particular author can be in the running for fifteen different categories at one time. Get it? I thought so...
* Do NOT noninate an author in the same categorie twice. This will result in the second nomination being thrown out.
* On the Nomination form change the answer AGAIN of "Ever since the day..." to "We said goodbye"
