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These are pictures I took at the bandhouse! :)

This is P.O. Nicole Dawe! :)

This is Captain Bourgeois...crying! He laughed so hard, he started to!

This is Dominique (with the flute) and Jessica (on the piano) while they were playing "My Heart Will Go On."

It's amazing what happens when you're bored....this is Josh Fudge...with a bunch of white tops on his head!

This is me and ASLt Walsh! :)

Ahh yes, the excitement of a dance! This is after the Digby concert, we unloaded the cube van in like...record time!

This is PO Steve Hilts, and Jordan Cameron, doing their drummer's call! :)

This is Sgt. Roger Haynes and Sgt. Carolyn Lionais, when they were singing their song together!

This is PO Mike King and PO John Hadjigeorgiou during their "duet" for their elective class! *lol* :)

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