My Friend nick

My Friend Nick!!

Not many people know my good friend nick, They all simply think nick was's bus's for Black label society and plays a little guitar on the side. But nick is a great guy and has had many CRAZY adventures, and worked many odd jobs before landing the gig as the black label bus washer... This web page is about those crazy adventures, and jobs.

At one point in his life, Nick was a baby sitter to our currant president. They had some good times.

Once nick drank a magic potion, and got turned into a cat, he was all like... "What the fuck man?"

Nick Even once had a crazy adventure in the middle east, where he turned into jesus for a day. That was the day that Black Label Society formed.

Apiring to become a actor at one point, Nick landed as roll as the body double for "the exorcist". it didn't turn out well, he had neck problems arise which led to him walking out on the job...

Nick, having hurt his neck, picked up a pen and pencil and made a great animated story about a heavy set musician, he then sold the cartoon idea to a man named albert, and forgot all about it.. this is a early sample of his work.

That Silly nick drank that same potion again, but this time became a kitten instead, he had a crazy dream that night, this is a photo of it!

To make ends meet, nick even had to work as a clown for a few weeks.... He lived in some strangers living room and had alot of pictures taken of him fo no aparent reason..... musicians...

And Finally, after Getting the gig as the BLS bus washer... Nick started making toys to sell, this was his first and and favorite, the dueling BLS band members. Crieg, and mike inez also avalable

Little known fact about nick, he was a wheeny growin up in school, all the 14 year old girls would beat him up..... *Nick man don't get mad, lol, this was a special request from wyldedancer*

Nick Also Worked as a dancer in his teens, Isn't that a pretty little green dress he wore? (thanks to wyldedancer for the idea, and the pic)

Ever wonder why they call nick Dr. Evil? Well.. here you go...

Nick was a Pro football player for a short time as well, untill he was kicked of the team for not taking off his sunglasses or wearing a helmet when he played... damn strict ass rules...

After being kicked out of the NFL, Nick tried his hand at pro wrestling. He Won 3 belts before he got beat up by all the wrestlers in the womens devision, then he quit....

A programer named Ed boon saw Nick on WWF one night and put him in a early video game as a hidden charachter... nick To this day still gets royalty checks from it...

The next is the BEST one, and my personal favorite...
.Almost there....

YES the Secret is out, the man behind the yoda mask was NICK!!!! May the force be with you brother :)

Thanks for lookin everyone... Till next batch is done :)

Thats it everyone, the hisstory of Nick!! hope you enjoyed it

BIGASS thanks to OGON for helping find 4 of the Origenal images to Fuck with
