DOWNLOADING IT FROM OUR SITE & SAVING IT ON YOUR COMPUTER.// STEP#1: Download the EQF (equalizer file) by left clicking (pushing the left button on your mouse) on the link (your cursor my turn into a hand over the links) for the song you want to equalize. STEP#2:A box will pop up that says, "File Download" in the top left hand corner and also says, "You have chosen to download a file from this location." If it does not say the name of the file you clicked on DON'T DOWNLOAD IT & please contact me immediately! For Example if you clicked on, "Get Christoffer's Asis EQ here Free" you should see something like, "Christoffer_Asis.EQF from" in the box. The box will also ask you, "What would you like to do with this file?" To save it 'Left Click' inside the white circle by, "Save this file to disk" and a black dot should appear inside the circle. Then 'Left Click' the, "O.K." button. Once you do This another box will appear over the old one that says, "Save As" in the top left hand corner. The File will already be named something similar to what you clicked on so you don't have to worry about that. Directly to the right of where it says, "Save as type" .EQF Document should be present. If it does not left click the, "Cancel" button - EXPECIALLY if it shows up as an .EXE (exe is a program file, this is not a program). If everything checks out, choose from the top where you want to save your file by left clicking the small triangle pointing down near the, "Save In" field. A List of Options should pop down, highlight the desired destination by moving your mouse over the choices and once highlighted left click on your destination choice to select it. Be sure to put it somewhere you can remember to find it later. If your not sure where to put it try, "My Document" this folder is near the top of your drop down list. Your almost done - now Left Click, "Save". For some of you a, "Download Complete" box will show up, just 'Left Click' the 'Close' button to make it go away cause your are all done. For others you may seen some activity on your screen before all the boxes disappear. Don't worry, this is a natural event for this size of a file (because it is so small it downloads rather quickly and our inferior human eyes miss most of the action.) IT's SAVED, NOW HOW DO I MAKE IT WORK?// STEP#3: If you followed the steps above your "EQF" is saved. To use your file 'Double Click' (note: double clicking usually refers to pushing the left mouse button down twice in a repeated seccession with no pause in between.) the 'Winamp' icon on your desktop to open your winamp program. If there is no 'Winamp' icon on your desktop, you can find it in your start menu. To do this 'Left Click' the start button at the bottom left hand side of your screen, hightlight, Programs by moving your mouse cursor onto it and, 'Left Click' to choose it. Then go to the colum of choices to the rignt that will pop up and move your cursor up and then down over the colum looking for, 'Winamp' highlight it using the same method as before and, 'Left Click' to choose. Another smaller colum will pop up to the right that one just move your mouse over to that one and highlight and select (left click) on, 'Winamp' again. This will cause the program to run and appear on your screen. STEP#4: Your Program is running! In the part of the player where it says, "Winamp Equalizer" you should find a button to the right that says, "Presents". Put your cursor over this button and 'Left Click' to select it. A small colum will pop up to the right of it, move your cursor over the choices to highlight "Load", 'Left Click' on it and another colum will pop up to the left of that one, move your cursor over the choices till you have hightlighted, "From EQF...", 'Left Click' on it. A Box will pop up on your screen that says, "Open" in the top left hand corner. Where it says, "Look in:" there will be a field with a location in it, if the location where you saved your EQF is not already in the field, 'Left Click' on the small upside down triangle to view a list of more locations. Move over the list till you highlight the one your file is in, once highlighted, 'Left Click' to select it. Once your location is in the field, all the files saved there will be present for view, move your cursor over the files and highlight the EQF you want and then, 'Left Click' to select it. This will make it show up in the field near where it says, "File Name" is all has gone according to plan, 'Left Click' the 'Open' button. This will load the EQF file into winamp thus changing the position of the sliders in your "Winamp Equalizer". Now all you have to do is play the song or songs this equalizer is for to hear the difference! Note: Only one EQF can be loaded at a time & it is not permanent. This means, once you load an EQF it will stay in winamp for as long as the program is open, unless you load a new one - Then it will change to the new one. These changes are not permanent, so when you close Winamp they will not be remembered the next time you re-open it and the default setting will return. This does not mean you can't reload it, the file is yours, you saved it, and will stay where you put it unless you (or someone/something else) move or delete the file. If it is ever accidentally deleted, you can most likely restore it from your trash file. E-mail us for more details on this, or any other questions you may have. Find our e-mail at the bottom of this page.
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