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You Know You're in College When...

you use pennies to buy a stamp.

you vacuum your floor with a dust buster.

you take out the garbage at 2am.

you talk to your friends while in the shower. you don't do that at home-- it would just be wrong!!!

you call or im your friends that are down the hall.

your computer is used for instant messaging and downloading music only.

you will do almost anything for a quarter, dime, or even a nickel.

you go home for food and free laundry.

you use paper towels as tissue paper when wrapping a present.

you wrap your dad's present in a capri sun box.

you make up lists like this.

a good day is when you can take a long nap.

you have two days in one.

the most rebellious thing you do all day is light a candle.

you get a cub foods gift certificate and like it.

you have no more motivation to work out because someone stole the tv in the exercise room.

you share a text book with a friend and pay for it with a barbie and a manicure.

you have to set your alarm for noon.

you get to be so lazy you won't even walk across the room to answer the phone. (and in a dorm room that is not even one compete step!)