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Yo Momma's so fat...

she went outside in a red shirt and all the kids yelled "kool aid"

she jumped in the sir and got stuck.

her waist is the size of the equator.

she runs outside in yellow and the kids yell "i missed the bus!"

she's on both sides of the family.

she walks in texas in high heals and strikes oil.

the last time she saw 90210 was on a scale.

she fell in love and broke it.

she's got more chins than the chinese phone book.

on the scale it says "to be continued"

she eats wheat thicks!!!

she went to the movies and sat next to everyone.

when she lays on the beach the kids yell "free willy!"

when she wears yellow people yell "taxi!"

she irons her pants in the driveway.

she puts her lipstick with a paint roller.

when she sits around the house- she really sits around the house.

she's got her own area code.

when she plays hopschotch she goes "new york, chicago, l.a..."

she sat on a quarter and a booger shot out of george wahington's nose.

she sat on a rainbow and skittles popped out.

she was on her way to walmart, she tripped over kmart, and landed right on target.