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Funny Quotes

these are quotes someone said and it was too funny, so it had to be written down. if you don't understand what some of then mean it is probably a good thing. if you are normal you wouldn't get most of them. many are the "you had to be there" type of things.

"it's hot in the tunnel" -me

"there are catholics in malaysia" -a senior in high school

"uncomfortability" -steve

"at least valentine's day is good for one thing- a lot of blind date episodes" -me

"sorry if i'm not cinderella" -jody

"why should i care about this?" -me

"the library has porn for chinese americans" -em-dawg

"there are apples on the moon" -jody

"vampires make people happy" -me

"i can steal alcohol from my grandma" -little amber

"dude, it's 8:30" -peggy

"freedom is a grand and glorious thing!" -me

"you should not have to go to the woods to be loud" -everyone except norm

"sometimes people need to leave" -me

"freedom!" -me

"i'm a dog dressed up like a tiger- ruff!" -a little girl on halloween

"this is not a zoo!" -me

"contents under pressure" -me

"bill called me" -me

"marinated porn" -peggy

"argueing on the internet is like winning the gold medal in the special olympics, even if you win you are still retarded" -em-dawg's bro

"i can't breathe out of one of my noses" -jody

"burner's on but it ain't smokin yet" -peggy

"i like the beep of the onion" -me

"turn that smile upside down" -me

"it's your birthday and you can puke if you want to" -me

"wings" -em-dawg

"that's a little boy's name peggy" -amanda brown hair

"i'm a monkey, i'm a monkey" -peggy

"i want to be black for a week" -anne

"pick up please" -son of jack

"arguahhhsdhghghroahrgha" -em-dawg

"want to hear a joke?" -jough

"non-regeneratable" -morganna

"you have money and then you die" -neighbor amy

"once they start speaking german you know it's all coming to an end" -jody

"i hate you all" -me, maria

"ooooooooooooo k" -the coalition

"i love black people movies" -anne

"no one really knows anything about nothing" -jess

"not if you have a get out of jail free card" -jody

"taaaaaaaaaaaaaalk to ya later" -the coalition

"i am a buster bar virgin" -sasha

"pick a number" -jody "orange!" -maria

"purple is a fruit" -em-dawg

"god took all the ugly fingers, put them in a bucket and labeled them toes" -tony

"ten out of ten people die" -studer

"i have a sandwich" - ashley

"yink!" -jody

"rellow!" -jody

"and we just said 'the'" -me

"beverly" -maria

"well, i go by roseart" -sasha