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Roomie Page

this page is for me and my roomie, jody. all of our stories from our freshman year at CSS are here for you to read. enjoy!-- i luv my roomie!!!

jody is so mean sometimes, she often makes stuff up. one time she told me that she ate a piece of pizza that was in the box in the garbage in the bathroom. well, i believed her-- i know, but she is very believable. another time she told me that her brother's friend joe spells his name jough-- she had me for along time, but after awhile she told me the truth. ahhhhh!!!

Monday, October 21st 2002-- 3 guys dressed in black were throwing snowballs at windows and walked round the school at about 2:15 am. they had very bad aim when they threw snowballs at our window.

Monday, November 11th 2002-- at about 10:30 2 guys who were drunk were outside. we threw an apple, can, and sausage at them. they threw the apple back and it hit the ceiling of our room and went out the door; the second time the apple hit the moon above jody's bed. there are now apples on the moon. one guy fell and hurt his leg and layed by the side of the building for awhile. then they left. later that evening we returned to our room to find tuna at our stoop. the guys, now refered to as "the tuna guys," had smeared a can of tuna all over our door and stoop!

Sunday, November 17th 2002-- we threw gumballs and cookies at windows. jody and peggy missed the open window and cookie crumbs were all over the window sill. later i missed the window with a gumball and it shattered in our room. later i successfully hit the corner room on first floor like twenty times. they only looked out once and i hit the deck while jody tried to see the people.

Monday, November 18th 2002-- again, i threw gumballs at windows. the room second from the end on first floor was hit. the guy stopped typing and came to the window. jody and i really hit the deck then. oh- there was an animal in the window- but it was just a hamster.

Sunday, December 15th 2002-- jody's bro was up to visit with his friends, joe and kevin. jody, anne, dan, and i went to black bear to see them. after finding them in the pool we went and got pizza. we then went to "gamble gamble" but the security guard wouldn't let joe in-- "want to hear a joke?" he asked her. eventually we all got in and "gambled gambled" for awhile. jody won $28 with my money that anne gave to jody. anne got $20, jody got $3, and i got $5-- i don't get how that worked-- but whatever. later joe got kicked out again and we all went back to the room. we hung around awhile and then we left.

Sunday, January 19th 2003-- we were going to go to sleep, but we weren't tired and it was 5:00am. we were going to leave for jody's house at noon, but we figured since we couldn't sleep we might as well leave. so we packed and left by 5:45am. we got to jody's house by 8:30am and we went straight to bed. we have to be the strangest people in the world-- who leaves at 5:45 in the morning!!! (jody says it was 5:42am)


me and my roomie opening a package (that anne didn't get in the pic-- sorry-- but that's ok anne). there really wasn't anything in he box, i had a friend tape a box shut for me and i wrote "room 338- do not open until december 25" everyone thought it was for real, so we waited and made people guess what was in it-- it was great fun!!!


this is a pic of jody falling off of the stool in our room-- it was great! she was reaching for a bowl and fell and all the dishes went flying-- it was so funny to see.

Bustin' It Up!

you know you're a college student when you vacuum your room with a dust buster!!!