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i have a bunch of shows i enjoy watching. these are some of my favorites, i know they are wierd, but i don't care -- i love em!!!

I love love love Pepper Ann. I am so much like her. In the theme song it says she's "marching in her own parade" and that is so me. In fact some of my family sings "Catherine Ann, Catherine Ann..."

I love this show. It is so funny. I used to watch it once a week with my neice and nephew. And then up here in college my friends and I watch episodes and listen to quotes from it on our computer-- I know-- we are weird. "It's a giraffe!" "Krusty Krab Pizza..."

Who doesn't like Cheers. I grew up watching this show. I feel like the characters are real. My favorite is Norm, but I love all of them. I think that I have seen every episode-- a few times. My family looks to the characters for advice a lot of the time. Like my Dad always says, along with Carla, "if one of your kids becomes a priest or nun- you're in." Sorry Dad, but you better start praying!!!