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You Know Your Soap is Bad When...

these were made up by myself and my friend em-dawg. we aren't huge fans of soaps, but i do have to admit that i watch one when i can. we used to watch it everyday while we worked out. then we started to bring a movie with us. but lately, since someone stole the tv in the exercise room, we no longer watch anything.

a character spends a week in a bear trap.

it's not a love triangle, it's a love tetrahedral.

one of the main character's dad is god.

you say "it can't be her- she's stuck in a trunk!"

a guy was thrown in jail for saving a "vampire" posing as a rock star.

a body guard attacks a main character for pulling out a phone.

someone can come back to life twice.

a character has to move her husband from the mental hospital in switzerland to canada to keep herself from having an affair with an irish doctor.

the only token minorities are going out.

a character has to be in a band because the lead singer is a vampire.

no one works, but everyone has a house.

everyone is at one character's house except the owner.

they bake muffins to remember a missing character.

a character has to ask his dad, who happens to be god, for help in using his "powers" to find his girlfriend after a plane crash.

the "cave" version of one character has healing powers.

a character's fiance has to jump into her dream to convince her that the rock star is a vampire.