April 25th and 26th Comments

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Shift244's Comments

April 25th

Wow! When we first looked at the stage, too big for us. A very big stage, huge soundsystem, everything. It was something I didn't expect to get to play on for awhile. Anyways, it's too bad nobody showed up. The room was just too big for 50 people max that showed up. I've gotten sick of writing these I think, they get long and boring, and i'm sure that nobody ever really sits and reads them.

It was nice to be playing so incredebly loud and i'm glad that everyone that came thought that our sound, sounded really good and stuff. A few things to comment on however, our drummer couldn't hear any guitar or bass, and little vocals. So all the mishaps with ends to songs and stuff was partly due to that. Also me and dusty both could not hear our guitars hardly at all, so that made it incredibly hard to know what was going on.

I had a great time playing on a real stage, jumping off it and walking amongst the few fans. I thought our set was pretty decent. Cloacae especially sounded good i thought. And Mechanoreceptor has regained itself. I was glad to see the little sibs at the show as well as Millertime back for one. Sweet shit when he's there. It was also nice to see other bands watching us, especially the guitarist from Passing Thru, he was real cool and stood front and center. I guess i don't have a lot to say on the show itself. IT was a great experience for us to play on a "bigger" show. All the mic's, the PA, the equipment, it was intense. 

Orestus put on a good show, a lot better than i expected. I had heard some bad things, and didn't see them. It was extremely great to see bands thanking and saying good job. We appreciated that. The guys from Passing Thru did an extremely good job of talking to us and all that fun shit. Thanks to everyone, i guess that's all I have to say on that show.

Set List

-Kabuki Man
-Guided Greed
Meat Plow (STP Cover)
-Washed Away
-Better Late Than Never
-I Am (Conservative)
-Wall Ride

April 26th

WOW, what can I say here. Quite the show, great experience. Um, the first band (no name at the time) was impressive. I thought ben and those guys did a good job. It was nice to watch. Surprised i wasn't nervous during it. Then we switched all the equip really fast and then started within 15 min I would say.

I decided to start the show in back with the rabbit tucked in my darwins zip-up. Decent start to the show, I thought everything sounded really tight. Dusty was going nuts, i was nuts, brandon was looking really into. all our endings were much tighter then the night before. I felt warn out during the show, but kept on going. I guess we goofed off a lot you could say, talked more than normal. The call before guided greed might have been mean, but I thought it was fun. Honestly I thought that this show was going off really well, our best ever probably. Then bam.....without warning to the two guitarists....we were cut. Told "that's it" and nothing more. Not allowed to do Cloacae at the end. It was really frustrating and shouldn't have been handled that way. Just because the other band was irritated with what was going on was no need for us to end. We had the same contract and given the same 50 minutes. I made an extremelly longer set-list at this show because I figured we'd have no time worries.

This whole problem led to hatred between each of our fans, lots of yelling, rude comments, that went on for days. But people need to realize that although our music is different and our views of how to run our bands are different, Sue Generis and Coprophage have no differences. Anyways, that's it to the shows I guess.

Set List

-Kabuki Man
-Guided Greed
Meat Plow (STP Cover)
-Washed Away
-Better Late Than Never
-"Big (Beaver Burp) Bertha" (cut)
-Tear Flowing Eye (Cut)
-I Am (Conservative)
-Victim (Cut)
-Cloacae (Cut)

Shibie's comments

Friday nights show was ok.  It was nice to play on a
lager scale stage and system again.  Too bad there
were monitor problems.
Saturday nights show was very good.  I felt the 
momentum was strong and everything was going well
until the plug got pulled.  Excluding the short set
this show was one of the best feeling shows yet.