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Shift244's comments

This show happened a long time ago, the site was giving troubles, so I felt no need to waste my time writing comments. But it's up and going, I think, so here it is. We were unsure if we'd play the show, but then did. It was the first weekend back after classes started for second semester. We were all a bit worried, cause these are some hardcore metal acts from minneapolis and milwaukee. We got set up did our little practice, then left. I didn't even get sick this time:) haha

So the crowd wasn't too big, but it was about average. A few more metal type people there, and a lot of guys from the bands. We opened of course and played a decent set. It was our first attempt with the vocal processor and my wireless unit. I also got a chance to use Ben's bass stack, I appreciate that a lot, but next time shibie, bring your amp:). Anyways, our show was more active. Dusty did a good job of moving around at this show, seemed very relaxed. My movement was better and not getting tripped in the cord helped a great deal. As for vocally, we were ok, they were a bit too loud. As brandon told me, he felt that this show was rushed so much. We went from song to song with no wait, busted threw and that caused some troubles. Overall i remembered all my lines except for Tear Flowing Eye, but it's funny to listen to what i do say on our tape. Anyways, we got cut after guided greed, but managed to bitch our way to playing a short version of Kabuki Man. We were very irritated with the way it was ran. As if we were really a rock band on ozzfest that has a time limit and shit. Next time let the vocalists notice that we're supposed to wrap up, not the drummer. Cause we had no idea. Anyways.

Thanks for everyone who came, The Eau Claire crew of girls, Andy (#2), andy my cousin, kali, the people they brought, everyone who helped out. Andy and andy, thanks for the help in taking down the show. You too slippy. anyways. Here's the set list from the last show:

Jan 25th Setlist:

I Am (Conservative)
Tear Flowing Eye (T.F.E.)
90's Medley (STP, Nirvana, Greenday, Sabbath)
Better Late Than Never
Guided Greed
Kabuki Man (Short Version)
Mechanoreceptor (CUT)