Twice Brown Removed Comments

Corey - Shift244's

First off I'd like to say a great big thanks to all the people that bothered to come to our show! We appreciate all the support and were happy to have close friends and family that cared enough to come. 2nd, I personally would like to say a bit "FUCK YOU" to all you ignorant fucks that said you'd come and either ran off to get yourself shit-faced, or where "busy" sitting on your ass. Feel free to come to the next show though, I just don't like being told you'll come, and then they don't. You can do what you want, doesn't matter, you missed out. 

As for the show, I don't want to be an ass and bitch about people who didn't come, when our shows are for the people that DO come. Set-up went off good, got the shit up nice, the red lights and the "sperm" lights added a nice touch, the blow-up sheep on the stand looked nice, the rabbits, "Prof Pooh", the whole set-up, I thought it was tight. As for the ban on the blow-up doll, that was ridiculous. To get pissed on that, and not just ask us to get rid of it, to hide it and yell at Dusty or whatever happened, gay. We weren't told UAC's whatever rules...and we weren't paid for this, so we weren't under contract. We should have been allowed to do it, nobody was offended. We were a little irritated with being asked by Shiver to play as the headline act, because they had to go all the way back to Iowa. We weren't paid as the main act, and we were set up. People could have contacted us a bit earlier. Anyways, they were cool about it, and we played first, so good deal.

I thought the show was decent. Good amount of room to move and shit. Which is what I like to do. I need a bigger bass amp so i can hear myself, and so the crowd can hear it better, but that's ok. I had more fun running then worrying about being perfect. I thought the show went off with few mistakes, lyrics were memorized better now, even the new song Cloacae turned out better then would be expected. By the end of the show i was pretty shot and close to "Yaking". I liked Brandon's look, hair, kilt, etc. He was really on, and beating the shit out of his sticks. Shedd was tight on the guitar. Solo's were really good, didn't seem to have any guitar fuck-ups. Sorry for fucking up Paranoid, but when your cord unplugs from the distortion pedal and you can't see in strobe lights....what's expected? Ha, my bad. Ok this is getting long. The pitting was cool, lighting was cool. I also want to say how awesome it was to get the first injury at one of our shows finally. I hope my bro didn't injure his ankle too bad in the pit, but it didn't look to hot that night partying after.

Quickly I thought Shiver sounded good. It was nice talking to the guys, well Tom mostly, the others didn't talk really. He seems pretty cool, and it was an honor to play with them. Always nice to play with other bands from far away.

The Set-list was as follows:
1. Kabuki Man
2. Guided Greed
3. Meat Plow
4. Cloacae
5. Victim
6. Tear Flowing Eye
7. Wall Ride
8. Paranoid
9. Mechanoreceptor

I wish the crowd was bigger, I appreciate Joe coming all the way from Milwaukee, it meant a lot to me and Dusty for you showing especially since you sold 5er to me and thanks for shouting cool shit; Andy and Kali coming from back home; my bro for the help in set-up and filming and Mechano back-up voc's. (you too holly), Bernd for coming from Stout and missing Madison to support his cuz. You made the show twice as awesome by starting pits and actually looking into the show. Millertime and Jenny for attending, Julie and Kevin, Steve and his crowd thanks a fuck for saying you'd come and coming, Dave for coming and hanging the sign in your window;  Becky and Larissa for supporting; all the other people that showed up and watched our show; the hottie in the film that we don't know; and of course Holly and C for being there, thanks for advertising your best, and writing shit on the boards of people in Gov. Can't forget Ben for loaning me his amp and running the lights for our show. Thanks to UAC for making our signs, And thanks to me and dusty for all our promotion work. Thank you all for coming. See you December 7th hopefully, we only get better.