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Shift244's (@$$)

~I was nervous for this show, and a bit sick. I was pleased with the crowd turn-out, I mean it must have been about 30 or so. I was glad my brother was able to record us for us, it's good to be able to watch our mistakes. I was disapointed with certain things that we did, like lose intros to songs, fuck up at the beginning of the show, and blow the Drowning Pool cover. Not to make excuses, but me and Shedd only got to practice it two times a few days before the show. We ran over it once with Shibbie before our show, and the four people there got to see it done right, or close. I guess over-all being our first show I thought it turned out ok, minor mistakes. We need to get more comfortable memorizing our lyrics, and work over those way more. I was sooooo very impressed with Shibbies PA system, 100% awesome dude. Best a small band has ever had I think. You could hear everything good. Um...I think musically we were pretty good, vocally we need work. Death Guard sounded good for playing before us, they made some mistakes, but they hadn't planned on playing till like the last minute. Anyways, look for us again soon, outdoor shows rock, someday maybe we'll be outdoors infront of 200 or so. Ok, peace all, and thanks for those who showed up, and all those that came to support our band or me alone. ~~@$$


~I was really nervous the first song or two, but after I got into it, the show was a lot of fun. I wish the crowd could have been a bit more together then they were. Much too spread. I thought the turn-out was good, with a good mix of young and older people. It was really good that my brothers band got to play, which helped get a crowd to watch us. As far as songs itself, I thought we did a pretty good job with them. A few of the songs we messed up, but you couldn't really notice. My favorite song we played was Mechano.... the best because it was intense being darker with the lights and the use of screaming. I think i'd like to play a smaller set though, because it gets tiring. I wasn't too happy with the performance on Filter, I had a hard time singing it, and I couldnt' hear my vocals all that well because they were out infront of me and I had no monitor. If their wasn't a softball tourney that weekend, we might have gotten  more people our age to actually show up. It was pretty much what I expected, I didn't get any after-show sex, so I was a bit upset about that. I was surprised my parents actually liked it, and everything went ok with that even when it was a bitch trying to get the show in my backyard. Not too many problems so that was awesome. Great success and the First Drop "SMELLED" grand. Thanks.