Fifth Courtesy Flush Comments
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@$$'s comments

So we had a battle prior to the concert, big deal. We got over it like any good band and put on possibly our best show ever. So we set up right before the show pretty much, nothing way ahead of time. Hardly anyone showed up, except a few people that are "our friends". So the crowd was only like 20-30 including the other two bands.

We opened the show with a pretty good version of Cloacae and then went on from there. It was our show to play a bunch of our old songs. It was nice to play Wall Ride and Depends ITTITAS. We didn't do any covers either which was new for us. I thought over all the show was tight. Good energy out of all of us, not too many  mistakes, the new song "Washed Away" was a little slow, but still went off alright. Would be better when dusty learns his lines. Anyways, I don't really have a lot to say on it i guess. The shows start to get similar. The only thing i can say is thanks to everyone who showed up, brett for recording. Im sorry to all the people who couldn't make it this time like Bernd or either Andy because it was possibly our best show. I'd like to say special thanks to getting to play with some softer rock bands with Seconds Before and RedOverLunar. They were both pretty good. Anyways, look for another new song and a new cover of Filter at our next show April 26th. Thanks again. Corey